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Everything posted by cantgetenoughcorps

  1. I like most Gershwin, but don't really enjoy it when performed by corps. Glassmen and Phantom performed it ok, just were 2 of my least favorite shows. On the other hand, the Moto Perpetu show is one of my favorite shows, and just below my top 10 favorites of the last 7 years. I also loved Cavies 2001 show.
  2. Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for Jolesch, there is no way they can legally do this. As any celebrity will vouch for, once a photographer has taken a picture of you, there is nothing you can do to prevent it from being printed legally. The only time action can usually be taken is if someone says a deliberate untruth about you, and you can prove it. For example, a local paper a few years ago printed a picture of a family member after seeing a relative killed in a car crash. The family tried to prevent the paper from printing the picture, but had no legal means of getting the picture from being printed.
  3. I agree, I had another 8 shows that were really close to these as to how much i loved them. Even harder was finding 10 shows I didn't care for over the last 7 seasons. I could only find 5.
  4. My least favorite shows fromm 2000-2007 include Pioneer-The Oliver show, cant remember the year(03 maybe?) Phantom Regiment 2005 Gershwin Kiwanis Kavaliers West Side Story(2004? I think) Glassmen 2001 Gershwin Racine Scouts 2005 I can't come up with 10 shows I wasn't impressed with
  5. My top 10 from 2000-2007 Cavaliers 2000 SCV 2000 Blue Devils 2000 Cavaliers 2002 Cadets 2005 SCV 2003 BD 2003 Crown 2007 Bluecoats 2007 Crown 2006
  6. Seeing the schedule has been up for a litte while now, I was looking through it and saw a couple of towns I don't remember hosting shows before. But maybe I just don't remember them because they are out of my area of the country. Do you see any shows in towns that haven't hosted a show before? Are any towns that used to host a show, and haven't for a few years bringing back any shows this year?
  7. Just curious as to who all isn't going to be marching 150. My guess is all the top 16 corps will march the full amount, but can members or staff associated with corps confirm approximately how many members your corps will be trying to field this summer?
  8. Wow, I didn't think anyone would disagree that they were 2 of the best. If I would have said they ARE the 2 best, I could see someone arguing about it. I think Cadets and Cavies are ALSO 2 of the best corps, and I am sure others could point out many other corps that could be considered some of the best as well. I also don't want anyone to think I don't like Blue Devils. I think they are absolutely amazing. I think that their shows in 94,95,96,00,02, 03 and 04 are some of the best shows ever put on the field. Not to mention some of their shows in the 70's and 80's, although I haven't seen all those shows live, or as often on the more recent years. But there is just something about the Santa Clara Vanguard shows that get me a little more excited most years. Between the interesting choices of music, from Broadway to some music I have never heard before, I just really like what they bring to the field. They have brought some cool moments to the field, from the disappearing phantom, to the changing of clothes in a tunnel, to the guard switch in the Red Poppy show. I have to say I think they have the best use of dynamics. Also, BD has seemed like they have more of a formula, but Cavaliers could be considered the same there. And I love Cavies as well. I think one of the problems is that BD is so clean and polished most years, it looks easier than other drill sometimes.
  9. Not meant to be a loaded post. My friend thought that SCV was probably more jealous of BD than Phantom of Cavies. I was just mentioning that I hadn't seen that from either SCV or BD. It does however, get brought up on here occasionally how Phantom is out to beat Cavies. Maybe this isn't jealousy so much as the just the desire to win?
  10. Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils 2 of the best corps to ever perform. Blue Devils with the most championships. Vanguard the only corps to make every finals from DCI since 1972. And while I think Blue Devils shows are probably a little more solid, and performed at a little higher level, I have to say that I think SCV has some of the most entertaining shows ever. With some of the most exciting drill and interesting music I have ever heard I have to give a slight edge to SCV. So which of these 2 corps do you generally enjoy their show more?
  11. My friend and I were discussing poor sportsmanship in corps, a topic that has been discussed on these board before. But he put a new spin on it. He thinks that most of the poor sportsmship is a result of jealousy. Other than one corps, I have never noticed it as of late. If that was a problem, wouldn't it seem that Pioneer would have the most reason to be jealous? And I have never seen anything that even remotely seems like jealousy coming from the members, the staff, or the volunteers. Even though they have alot of members going to higher placing corps each year, I have never heard of them trying to keep members from leaving. SCV and BD would be 2 corps that you would think have some jealous rivalries, but I have never once heard either corps staff, members, or volunteers say anything negative about the other. I sometimes think SCV has gotten robbed on a couple of scores and placements, but I never see their members on here complaining about it. And I remember one year fairly early in the season, I was talking with a BD souvie lady as I was buying some DVDs, and mentioned I hadn't seen several corps yet, including SCV. She told how fantastic the SCV show was, and you would have thought it was her corps by the way her eyes lit up as she was talking about it. I thought that was great, especially since SCV had beaten BD once that season. The only time I remember much jealousy was when Star burst onto the scene and broke top 12, only to break into the elite top 6 several years later. It seemed like several of the midwestern corps showed some of the green eyed monster at times. The only corps these days that seems to carry much jealousy is Phantom. It seems like they are very jealous of Cavies, and sometimes Scouts. Even reading on these boards, where it seems like their number one goal is to someday beat the Cavies. So my friend thinks there is alot of jealousy, but I really don't see very much out there. Do you think there is alot of it, or not very much?
  12. I absolutely loved the Madison Scouts 06 alumni corps. 27th in 94 was spectacular too. And 3rd place would have to go to SCV 02. When they went into the bottle dance at the end of the show, the crowd was in an absolute frenzy.
  13. Just thinking about interesting things I have learned through the corps experience. The first and saddest one, never listen to drum corps cds on the way to State Marching Band. As much as I love marching band as well, if you listen to corps cds on the way, when that first 21 piece marching band plays their first sour note, along with the 4 counts of drill as they try to form the formation they are going to stand in for the rest of their show. This is in no way a slam on the marching bands, but on the school systems for taking away the band budgets of most of the smaller schools. So now I just listen to drum corps on the way HOME from the shows....
  14. Thanx for the info. I checked out the website of WGI. I only noticed about 5 of the colorguards that looked like they might have an affiliation with DCI corps. I did recognize alot of the high school bands in the area. But basically if I understand correctly, the SCV colorguard is not the actual members of the corps from either last year, or the current year, but maybe a few with more members from the Santa Clara area?
  15. I know this is going to sound dumb, but I am a little confused on WGI. Is this tied in with DCI? I have heard that some of the corps have winterguards, but that there are alot of high school winterguards. So if SCV has a winterguard, is this all the same kids that are members of SCV during the summer? And do they actually compete with all high school colorguards, or are there separate competitions? I have thought about attending a competition if I can find one in the area sometime. I saw on the Cavies 04 tour dvd the 1980's winterguard show of Bond. Some cool stuff. So which corps have winter guards? Which corps guards place the highest in these competitions? Any info is appreciated.
  16. "BD and SCV are getting a lot of votes because the show was in their home state.......big advantage......" This is one of the few things I would disagree with on this thread. I can see where everyone has their opinions on who was the most fan friendly. We all have varying opinions. However, I don't think the finals location has anything to do with the overall design of a show. I am guessing you didn't find BD or SCV to be very fan friendly, and are surprised at people who did? I thought that SCV was extremely fan friendly, and BD was a great show, but maybe not quite as fan friendly(my opinion-although the previous year they were close to the top in that) I am glad to see Pacific Crest getting some love here. I have thought they have been underappreciated for a long time.
  17. This was supposed to have been a poll, with choices Bluecoats, Carolina Crown, Blue Knights, Boston Crusaders, Crossmen, and Glassmen.
  18. All of these corps have broken into the top 6 in the last decade. Which one would you most like to see in the top 3 in the next couple of years? I have left off Spirit, Blue Stars, and Troopers because all of them have made it into the top 3 in the 70's. This is strictly for corps that have made top 6, but never quite reached that top 3 level. My order would be Bluecoats next year, Blue Knights the following year, and Carolina Crown the next year. If I were to guess which one would be the next, I would have to guess either Bluecoats or Crown. I think both corps were easily fighting for 4th place this year. Both were within a point of being in 4th place.
  19. Sitting here listening to the latest Patti Austin CD, Avant Gershwin. I really like the music of Gershwin, but have always had the opinion that it just doesn't travel to the drum corps show very well. The only piece I have ever heard that almost sounded good was Porgy and Bess. Another that I have to admit I am less than impressed with is the Beatles. I haven't heard a version of the Beatles by a drum corps or marching band that I have been overly excited about. Some of the music I think tranlates the best on the field are composers like Holsinger, Glass, pieces like Malaguena and Malaga, and the music of Earth Wind and Fire. One that really surprised me was the music of Blood Sweat and Tears, as performed by Colts in 97. I remember cringing when I heard their musical selection before the first time I saw them that summer. I have to admit I was surprised at how well it translated to the field.
  20. I love all these corps that are listed, but on the original topic, Southwind you are truly missed. You had some of the nicest people working in your souvenir booth. I always loved spending money on your great t-shirts, and the service was in the top 5 of all the corps!!!! And your shows were fantastic, regardless of placement. Please come back next year, we really miss you.
  21. Over the years, which corps do you think produce the most volume at a quality level? I definitely have to go with Blue Devils. The sheer power of their shows in 94, 97, 2000, and so many other years just blows me away.
  22. I predict SCV top 3 finish I predict Phantom out of top 6(by mere tenths of a point) I predict no one will go undefeated this season I predict at least 2 corps are going to have a difficult time finishing the season due to the high gas prices. I predict the real winners this year will be the people who not only make it to finals, but see ALL the corps in quarterfinals, as well as all the Open Class corps.
  23. I don't think they will be in the running with Cavies, and I think SCV is on the uphill this year. I still wouldn't be surprised to see Bluecoats and Crown ahead of Phantom. I think finances could play a part in the tour this year, as it looks like they are unwisely going out west again. And it looks like gas prices could skyrocket, at least from what reports we are getting now.
  24. Nice musical selections. I still predict them in 6th or 7th finals week though.
  25. Some of the recent topics have discussed whether the unrecognizable music takes away from drum corps popularity. I was wondering, since the year 2000, of all the shows and corps you have seen, what percentage of music would you say you have liked? I would say I have definitely liked about 97 % of what I have heard. I have REALLY liked about 50%, and have TOTALLY LOVED about 15-20%. In the 80's and 90's I would say the numbers are about the same. Getting into what I have heard from the 70's, I would say that number drops a little, but overall like a majority of what I have heard.
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