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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    2 out of 7 years marching, first with Cascades, soon to be Cavaliers
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Cavaliers, Blue Devils, Cascades
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    2005, everything, almost
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  1. Many of you will recognize this one, once you get past the short parade section (and the foreign language) you'll see. Wonder how much it cost to buy the music AND drill?
  2. I saw them on both quarters (maybe semis) and finals, and if they did do it, it wasn't quite the same. If I remember right, it was more like 2 (or 4?) lines in a block, but no robotic pause part. The one I'm talking about was like a 8X8 hornline block with the drums in there too, and surrounded by most of the colorguard (the rest of the colorguard was setting the field). It marched along the hash, and then each person peeled off when they got to the right spot, but still did the movement in time. It wasn't like it was in Denver...unless I'm just having some really bad memory issues.
  3. So, the first time during the 2006 season that I saw the Cavaliers was in Denver, which was also the only time that I saw them use this awesome way of entering the field. They started in a block, and just marched down the field while chanting, and occaisionally stopping and doing this 'robot movement.' It was incredible to watch (and listen to), but for some reason, I never saw them use it again. Did anyone see that and wonder, along with me, why they got rid of it? Or better yet, does anyone know for sure? It was amazingly effective, and took about as much time as merely walking on to the field. What's the deal?
  4. Personally, I fell in love with Niagara Falls (Cavaliers 2000) from just the music. When I finally saw the video, it wasn't what 'I' imagined/wanted at all. I actually thought it detracted a ton from the music (and plus....I LOOOVE Cavies drill....always). It was a huge dissapointment. But the guard did do that one crazy toss that I always find exciting b**bs
  5. I am almost positive that the 2004 Seattle Cascades Drum Major was Amy Scopa but also..in 2005, both were female. Erin Loepke and Terryl Banta, Terryl is also the drum major for '06 and I believe the assistant is also a female, but I have no idea how to spell her name, so I am not going to try :)
  6. Pretty much, everyone will say that thier corps has the best cooks...but hey, I have heard that Cascades have one of the best cooks in dci. He isn't a professional chef or anything, just a genius at the whole "making delicious spaghetti and french bread out of cereal and brocolli" deal. His meals are always awesome, and crazy with budget. Maybe not always the best tasting, but I am willing to bet the best overall cook, come on east coast...bring it, west coast knows how to cook! (also....better than sex cake....need I say more )
  7. Cavies-03 A tenor player drops a stick when putting it into his bag, and later a guard guy throws it off. Not sure if he had to use those sticks again, but it was WELL before the end of the show, it's highly possible. BD-04 dropped rifle during the rifle ripple/fast runs part (if that could be more vague, I would be impressed)
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