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Everything posted by BlondeContra

  1. Wow i feel really young on these boards :-p
  2. Hey! you're only as old as you act guys!
  3. muahahaha! I can feel the almighty power of the contra from those perfect pictures ^0^ Thanks for the smile before I'm off to bed
  4. NICE looking sop pic. blue always catches my eye so i'm liking this one...even tho there isn't a contra in there lol
  5. Thanks, by the way, for the great nickname-Fräulein I wouldn't have thought of that and I LUV it! Will be going on the MVE tshirt I'll be getting made here soon. Just wanted to say thanks for your genius
  6. What is all that medication for? I think I missed something... Haha and yeah, we'd be completely unstoppable if we had a hot contra chick line b**bs
  7. Hey NOTHING wrong w/ being a pasty white. I have porcelain white skin all year around unless I get sunburn-then I just look like a tomato! :P no tanning for me but that's ok. People seem to like that my skin is different than all those other people that bake themselves under those tanning beds 24/7 *blegh*
  8. My mini-me & I have defeated the farmer's tan by wearing tank tops & rolling the spaghetti strap sleeves under to make a tube top kinda deal. muahaha! no more farmer's tan! yay
  9. Danke for that beautiful pic We have a BUSY weekend coming up & maybe I can get a pic of our section for you. Was going to this weekend but we got wrapped up in practicing & lost track of time to say the least.
  10. With our smaller corps (and b/c everyone quietly knows that contras HAVE to be in the center/front) The song we practiced last weekend on the field, we basically stayed right on the 50 haha
  11. After I graduated from high school in '04 I went straight to working full-time as a secretary. I QUICKLY realized that I missed playing my tuba/sousa/contra and kicking butt on the field. I would visit the band stands on Friday night football games and steal the sousa to play a few bandstand songs. My boyfriend and my now best friend ("mini-me" Lindsey), told me about Mon Valley Express and kept asking me to join saying I'd have a blast to say the least. Steve, a sop player for MVE and a local band parent, would ask me every time he saw me when I would stop by one of their practices. The only thing was that I had work every Saturday and my schedule is pretty much set in stone since only one other girl could take my place and she already had her days set. Anyways, I had a couple Saturdays off so I went to MVE and fell in LOVE with the people and the pretty chrome contra I got to play. I finally got up the courage to tell my boss that I had to not work weekends anymore and I wouldn't back down about it. Now, this was only 1 week before DCA's and there was no way I was gonna miss that. So I've been at Mon Valley for a year now-2nd season-and I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world right now. I was considering moving out to CO to live with my sister but I wouldn't be able to leave the MVE crew.
  12. CJ, I know I'm the coolest out of all the ones you've met hehe
  13. wow looks like a really nice contra line & not even on your feet!
  14. Ah kk thanks much. Any one know who the other guy is in that pic? (A.K.A Beavis)
  15. I can't seem to find the page w/ who posted that original pic of the guys on the bus & who they are on here. I just like to match up names w/ pictures lol
  16. haha if I remember & have time, we'll take some more pix this weekend @ practice w/ Jay :-D
  17. haha and they call me short stuff :-p what horn do you play?sop?
  18. I played the sousa in high school and once I had a contra on my left shoulder-it STAYED there Sousaphone is definitely too mellow for my taste. I wanna get that sound straight forward, and belted out there lol
  19. Well I'm 5'5" so losing another 50lbs for me would make a big difference too but I'd be leaning on the unhealthy side. I'm looking at losing another 15 lbs and I should be at my goal. But those last pounds don't wanna leave! And why don't you march? What'd I miss...? Are you not in a corps?
  20. I like that classy pic :) Nothing anymore recent w/ a new sop?
  21. I would think ANY kind of exercise would be great for marching-ESPECIALLY walking & jogging to help with carrying your weight and keeping your body toned. I walk to the beat of my music too & it's great when I'm listening to a faster paced song (which all of my MP3 music is ) I do a quick pace and it's been helping me with breathing and I practice my roll stepping while I'm on the park trail. Good luck this season :)
  22. BIG congrats on doing a 5k run & losing 50 lbs! I've just hit that mark after watching what I eat for the past 10 months blah. But I can tell it's helping a LOT with marching & playing this year :-D Good luck with your season!
  23. Hey I'm a 20-yr old in a DCA corps (even tho I've had a dozen people on here tell me to try DCI) don't worry about it.
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