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Everything posted by 90'sMelloguy

  1. Well if you like that sound (bright ,out of tune, etc) than that is fine but are you actually telling me that there were more tone colors back then? Put on a CD from back then and then compare it to know and tell me that there was more color. More horns does not necessarily equal more tone colors. Besides those horn were a mess. They werent chromatic (1 and 2 valves at least), they were really out of tune, and many of them were built to play in a very limited register. I can assure you that if the old horns were better we would still be using them.
  2. Aghh! Are you kidding me? Everyone knows that every corps works really hard becuase drum corps by nature IS really hard. But everyone also knows that some corps work harder than others. (i.e BD vs SCV for example). I guess since you were on a drum corps forum I assumed that you had a certian amount amount of common sense about the activity. Maybe I was wrong. Either that or you want to argue symantics all day. Instead of comparing a few words to one another try to wrap your mind around what it is i am saying to you as a whole.
  3. Hypocritical? you might want to check out the definition. At worst I might have have contradicted myself. There is a difference between the two. You are saying becuase i stated they all "work just about as hard" that means I am contradicting myself. It is not the case. I am simply stating that the hardest working corps does not necessarily win championships. And I also stated that most if not all the corps work "just about" as hard as each other. Other factors usually decide who ends up being the better corps in the end. For example: For years BD was lazy in rehearsals (but partied like crazy outside of them) while SCV worked their tales off and thought of nothing besides the rehearsal they were in. But in the end BD would still crush them at shows. Now could you explian to me how my statements about BD/SCV were wrong? I am still not gtetting you on that
  4. I am not quite sure what you mean. Could you explain?
  5. I really think that all of these corps work just about as hard. What makes the difference is the talent level of the members and the ability of the staff to do their job. If you were to transplant the staff of anyone of the top 3-4 corps to like Southwind or Capitol Regiment (or any other) you would see a vast improvement in their scoring the next year. Also, If being intense and working hard = DCI championship than I think you would see alot more DCI titles going to SCV (and a lot less going to BD)
  6. I dont think straight legt technique is a problem...as long as it is taught well I have marched in a corps with straight legt technique and taught numerous corps and marching bands with both types of technique and I can tell you the "straight -leg" technique can be much less stressfull on the joints than any other if it is performed correctly. What gets people into trouble is when they start "locking" their joints. That will cause serious damage if it is done on a regular basis while marching extreme tempi and esxtended step sizes. Now with that being said I have noticed in some years past that many of the Cadets marches do lock their knees and ankles in order to get their legs straight (which is why many of them bounce). I have not seeen them up close in a years though to tell if that is the case now.
  7. Yeah lets go back to those days of terrible sounding equipment and less instruments so that we have a limited amount of tone colors out there on the field. Thats what we need And those young whipersnappers have is so easy running around the field at at 200 beats per minute as compared the good old days when they would go 132 (max).
  8. Your statment about the hosts is right on. It would take only a few mintues of planning and a few kids or parents to implement it. But, I do disagree with a few of your statments. 1. Breaking Ranks is just that. Breaking through someones ranks or in other words going THROUGH the ranks or arc or whatever. If you knew the history behind this you woudl see how this does not really relate. 2. As far as the blue devils comment. I have been in BD's horn line when we moved for vehicles and or pit carts. One of those instances was during finals week (semi's I think), and we still managed do win so I dont think it was the end of the world. 3. Show mentality? How would moving out of the way screw that up? Are you saying that these kids are robots and if you were to take a second from the warm-up to move out of the way they woudl short circuit. That is insane. 4. Umm. the statement about the Cadets not caring about winning might be the most ridiculous I have ever heard. I was closely involved with Cadets & BD for about 10 years and I can tell you that is ALL that those 2 corps care about. That attitude comes from the staff more than anything else. 5. The reason i am even posting about this topic is because I have seen many many times when The Cadets have acted this way. I mean some of the things that were done were unbelievable. Still I dont hate the cadets. I dont like how some people on their staff act just like I dont like how some people on other staffs act. It is just drum corps man. Is it really necessary to act like nothing else in the world matters
  9. 1. I am sure that Southwind takes their warm-ups / pre-show hype seriously (someone please tell me how a pre-show hype is different from a warm-up) . But what is the point of warming up? To get ready to perform right? I dont think that moving over for 90 seconds would really get in the way of that do you?. But I know what could. Having members of the horn line witness their instructor act like an ### in front of them. That could screw up the vibe. 2. I am sure that the Cadets parked themselves there. I have been around drum corps for long enough to realize that every corps picks their own warm-up spot. You must have realized that in your years of experience with the activity. So chances are it was their fault in the first place 3. Where a corps goes on is relevant to this thread. Simply becuase we need to consider the fact that Southwind went on before them and scouted that route before them. They should have the right away if they were there first. Besides there are numerous things about going on early (which I posted earlier in this thread) which really sucks. the last thingthey need is to be thrown more obsatcles or treated rudely. 4. you said "What is wrong with them walking around" Are you serious? IT WAS A PIT CART. Pit carts dont walk man!! 5. Breaking ranks?Breaking ranks is a no no I agree. But this is not breaking ranks. This is asking a rank to move over. There is a difference. 6. And I find it really interesting how you fail to talk about Gino treating "smaller corps" rudely in front of students. What is that teaching them? 7. You could be right about the father. The father may have blown things out of proportion but I know how Gino is and that sounds like him to me.
  10. I wish that were the case. Many members of corps management as well as instructional staff have yet to figure that equation out (i.e more sleep=better rehearsals/performance). I am not saying that the Cadets are that way though. You did mention that kids would not come back if the experience of being on tour was so bad, but I have found that is not always the case. I had friends that used to march some corps that treated them like dirt only to miss finals every year. But they kept coming back...dont ask me why.
  11. No I dont think you did. He was very clear to let you know that they were not at the gate and that there were multiple coprs in front of them. Whether it was a warm-up or "pre-show hype" (which is the same thing as a warm-up) it would have taken 90 seconds for them to move out of the way and let the pit through. They would expect the same thing of Southwind. And as you said "how would southwind like it if Cadets cut through their warm-up?" I bet Southwind wouldnt mind at all (especially if they were foolish enough to park their horn line in the middle of the equipment route). Besides Southwind would be stoked at the fact that they weren't one of the first corps going on. This guy was obviously at the show and witnessed Southwind being blown off by GINO. That is not good behavior to be exhibiting for an adult like Gino who is teaching those kids alot more than Drum Corps (whether he thinks he is ot not). We can argue symantics of the situation all day but it sounds like some people are taking themselves or their favorite corps to seriously. It is just Drum Corps. Which is really nothing more than Summer Band. They are not saving the planet or fighting in a war so it is not the end of the world if they have to stop warm-up for a minute to do the right thing. This all comes down to one question: What is wrong with being polite and moving over?
  12. Did you just listen to what that man said?
  13. Hah! I wish that shows were that organized!You are lucky if they tell you where to park the busses. With exception of maybe finals and one or two regionals each corps is responsible for finding their own place to warm up and such. So maybe the solution is that we demand every show coordinates specific place for every section (drums, guard, brass, pit) of every corps to warm-up and specific times when they should be there and so forth. Most big marching band shows do this so it would not be that hard to implement and it would take care of these types of situations.
  14. This topic is as foolish they come. Ok so we get it....You dont like the cadets show design. I dont care for many of their shows either but that does not cause me to hate them as a corps. If you dislike them so much dont buy anything from their souvenier booth, dont donate money, and when they are on the field take a bathroom break. If for some reason you get stuck watching their show and you still hate it than when it is over dont clap. Or if you really want to exact revenge you could go to school, get a few degrees in music and then get on the judging circuit and then you could be a judge that does not like them and your scores could reflect that. But I doubt you would ever do that. Posting a ridiculous rant is much easier and any fool can do it.
  15. I am prettty sure it was Jed Weeks. He later became brass caption head for SCV for a short time
  16. Well you or I would have no idea would have no idea weather or not Hopkins was pushing to have the kids march or not becuase that is at the directors meeting and neither of us are directors of those corps. More times than not those decisions not to march come from an offical at the school that is scared that the field will get torn to bits. Anyway, the fact that it was a standstill had nothing to do with what I was talking about. My question was why were they not wearing uniforms while every other corps was. If other corps are going to take the time to dress up for the crowd than so should they. It is more out of respect I think. I love the cadets uniforms, they are probably my favorite in DCI so I was dissapointed that they came out looking they way that they did. You dont have to be out of uniform to relax and have fun...there are corps that do it all the time. I dont see how my statement about them taking their time and acting pompous (as you put it) is ridiculous and doesnt make sense. It happens every day in our society from people that live in their own world or people that think they are better than everyone else. Many fans at the show thought it showed that attitude that "we will go out there when we darn well feel like it and everyone else can just wait." And that attitude is usually given off by one or two of the people on staff and not the kids. I have no problem with the kids at all, never have. Now as far as you comment about them "saving the show" at TN that is debateable, but I would agree that they were probably the best that night and they sounded great. On a slightly related topic: There has been alot of bashing on the ballad of their show this year, but i think by the end of the year when they get all of the electronic kinks taken care of it will be awesome. Check out the original (Sanvean by Lisa Gerrard) it is awesome.
  17. I have not but a few of my friends have gone to the clinic and they said that it is good. Also you get discounts on pyware if you go. Pyware is a great program. I spent years writing by hand, which took me forever and I often made mistakes (usually becuase it was really late and i was tired). The program allows you to go much faster and it elimnates so many stupid mistakes that are common with writing by hand or using other programs. Plus the ability to animate helps a ton. In addition, the field perspective tool is very helpful. I am not very good at learning new programs but I think pyware is not that hard to learn. The first few weeks I hated it but once i actually read the manual and did the turorial I had enough skills to begin writing. My advice is to learn the program well before you are in a situation that requires you to write in a very short amount of time. That could be really bad.
  18. There are some book on the activity. Dan Ryder has one that is good for people that are starting out. Especially the section on how to market yourself and make a living as a drill writer, He also has a clinic on how to use the Pyware program and drill writing techniques every june (sorry, it passed a few weeks ago). I can tell you that finding gigs is not hard. I turned down more gigs this past year than I took. Just some info that might interest you. One of Dan Ryders former students writes about 190 shows a year. He works only 6 months out of the year and charges about $2,500 per show......... so you do the math I know a number of people that do at least 30 shows a year and dont do anything for less than $3,000 (but usually charge alot more than that). That is insane to me.
  19. Steve, I wish that contacting Hopkins would make a difference but it wont. I know Gino and he is very intense and a very volatile, and the story that you are talking about sounds very much like something he would do. The thing is, nearly everyone in the drum corps activity knows that he is like this I can assure you that Hopkins knew what he was hiring when he courted Gino. The fact of the matter is Hopkins (like most directors) dont care as long as they win.
  20. Thanks for all the info. I knew there had to be something major happen for them to fall off like that. I am glad to hear that you think things will be fine by finals. I got the impression that the director in 02 really made it a priorty to do what was best for the members in the corps instead of focusing entirely on placement (like so many other corps do). I really thought that was great and I wanted to see them be succesful. As far as the staff not getting along I think that is pretty common. In my experience marching DC and as a staff member it was very common to see the staff fight. Actually the biggest reason that I left the activity was becuase of this, so I can relate.
  21. OK. Maybe someone can help me with this. I have not been following DC very closely the last few years, but when I was last involved in the activity it was 02 and I saw the Seattle Cascades in action all summer and they were smokin. They marched and played great and the only thing that was holding them back from being next level good was some aspects of their show designs. I thought that in a few years they would be knockin off some of the big boys. But instead they are getting killed by nearly everyone. The same thing happened to Magic of Orlando who was also rockin back in 02 as well. How did this happen. Was there some money problems, massive staff changes, new director, or somethin else?
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