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Everything posted by crownie05

  1. last year our staff told us that we were no longer allowed to leave anything on the field after finals. apparently, in 2004, some members of a corps not mentioned sprinkled some gold bond on the field and it killed the grass, which the stadium people were obviously unhappy about. so i'm not sure how "official" that "rule" is, but it was very much frowned upon. personally, i decided that a few tubs of dct wouldn't hurt anything or anyone. so ha. :)
  2. i liked bk's show in charlotte, i thought it had some great moments in it. however, i do not feel that they merited beating crown last night. the going theory is that since crown went on LAST... ie, after blue devils, that it might have skewed the score. like the judges were comparing crown more to bd than to bluecoats or bk. and the fact that crown's and bk's scores are so close supports this theory. and i will admit that crown's percussion sucks and is totally dragging them down. and unfortunately it's not something that's going to be fixed this year, and maybe not next year. but they'll come around eventually. in the mean time, good luck to everyone out there! :)
  3. hahaha, okay, well, if he's out there, he can rest assured that it was a mission accomplished. :)
  4. i don't think its as much that they're trying to create "high art", but that they're trying to do something different, unique and creative. and, yeah, the in.trance.it idea is a little on the complex side, but remember that crown is still relatively young. there's nothing crown can pull out from our past repertoire that people will already get (as machine for cavies, everyone knows cavies are a machine). it's tough to come up with a (simple) concept that hasn't already been done and won't be boring when you have little to build on. and really, you could just say that in.trance.it is about the mad rush of traveling. but then the whole "trance" part of it gets lost. so it's not all about being puffed up. it's about helping to add meaning to what you're seeing and hearing on the field, which in the end will make it more entertaining. i hope i'm making sense. and you know the design teams talk to judges all the time about what's on the field and is it conveying the concept. our design team got ripped apart a lot with Angelus becuase of the black guard unis and the 444's. nobody knew what it meant. WE knew, and it made sense to us, and i think if the rest of the audience could have somehow been clued in, it would have made the show that much more enjoyable and entertaining. i think there are just some things that can't quite be expressed in just music and drill/visual elements. like how do you tell someone that 444 is supposed to mean that an angel is near? or that the black unis are taken from "City of Angels" when they're dressed in black trenchcoats and standing on the shore listening to the sunrise? there was an honest attempt, with the black unis and at the start of the show they are all facing one way as the music builds like a sunrise. but it just didn't come across. so does that mean that "angelus" was high art, because some of the ideas could not be clearly conveyed without a written description?
  5. oh okay, i get you. 19.5 was our avg age during the /season/. likely a lot of the kids that were cut were on the younger end of the age range so the avg age is now higher than it was during the early camps.
  6. not a fan of crown's, looks too much like the mandarins logo with the three short vertical stripes. also big fan of the scouts and vanguards unis on there.
  7. so, skimming over some of the posts here, did anyone stop to think that without a concept, the show would be meaningless? take frameworks for instance, everyone loves that show right? if someone didn't say, the show is called frameworks and here's why, it would just be some meaningless music and drill on a field. and yes, it's clean, but it's not as entertaining without that little "frameworks" idea running through your head while you're watching it. so yeah, in.trance.it makes you think a little about the concept. and okay, they could have used some smaller words in the description to help those that are vocabularily challenged, but then it would lose its effect. the whole point is to get your mind going so that when you watch it, IT MAKES SENSE. and i think someone said that the corps members probably don't even know what it means? well, they're not the cadets, if you ask them what their character is supposed to mean they will know. that was probably the first thing the staff did with us for Angelus last year, was we all sat down and talked about angels, and what angels mean to us, and what the show is supposed to mean. you perform it better if you feel what it's supposed to mean. SO, the "concept" is not the evil here.
  8. wait i gotta check that out.... ooooooh, okay, yeah, i think that was there all season.... not sure what happened or what was wrong but it had been there for a while.
  9. last year our avg age in crown was like 19.5 or something. there's no way that's right....
  10. what i love about the cream is that it's so unique. since the corps broke into the top 8 and is really trying to make a name and image for themselves, i think the cream (with the off-center plumes) makes a great statement.
  11. okay, maybe they won't WIN, but they're getting frighteningly close to breaking into the top 5. it might be 10 years before they actually win a championship, and only if they keep improving every year and building a legacy as they have in the last two or three years. crown is still a relatively young corps, and still working on making a name and image for themselves. it's not just overcoming formidable tallent in corps like bd and cavies, it's also beating the judges' stigma that they are a 7th-place-corps and they deserve to be ranked higher up. that was one thing that the staff told us last year in crown, that it's more than just performing a great show that's clean. you have to be 10 times better than the corps above you to move up one spot.
  12. i dont really like them.... the whole idea of the old plumes, the off-center, slender white plumes, was that they make a neat line down the uniform. the plums lined up with the buttons on the hat, jacket, and the cut of the jacket. the overall effect was a tall, slender, line. the poofy purple plumes are way too big, the proportions are all wrong. it makes them look squatty and short, and not as intimidating. not to mention there is much less contrast between corps-members and the drum major. although i have not actually seen the drill on the field, perhaps the plumes are the right feel for what's actually happening on the field. but i'm hoping they're temporary and they go back to the off-center white in 07.
  13. it's good to see crown doing a show that's so aggressive, it makes it feel like they're a serious drum corps, competing with the big dogs now! (as matt harloff would say). i really hope to see crown lock into 6th, they definately deserve it.
  14. so i was given this ancient tub of DCT last summer from some dude that marched star in the late 80's. our section leader handed it to me and gave me the charge of leaving it on the field after finals retreat, but didn't tell me who's exactly it was. only that the dude wanted a mello age out to leave it on the field. so i did, and i was honored, i even left some of my own DCT next to it. (and this is right after they made the rule that you can't leave stuff on the field) so i'm wondering if this guy was one of the (in)famous mello-chest-society dudes? erin king carolina crown '05
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