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Mello Dude

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Everything posted by Mello Dude

  1. I just haven't figured our where George is gonna get his water in on the field.
  2. Yes, the few times it actually works is like winning the lotto.
  3. Spending 100's of hours working on about 9 minutes of music..let me think about that. :)
  4. ..and neither do you..even with almost 20k in posts. Have to agree Drum Corps has always been a type of Marching Band...but there was a time not too long ago it was distinct. Sad, to lose variety but I suppose those that don't like a variety of art forms like vanilla and only vanilla lite. Such closed minds.
  5. Says the person with almost 20k in posts here. I believe I have read a few books regarding people repeating things over and over....we sure need a drum corps snopes site.
  6. Absolutely. That there are some that have a hard time accepting change and refuse to accept reality of that change.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120277791327953 LOL. I think you were sleeping often in class.
  8. A drum corps snopes site would be AWESOME. The constant 6000+ post posters regurgitating mantras and accepted as truth would have a hard time with that!
  9. http://midwestmarching.com/marching/pages/2009-event-schedule/september/phantom-regiment-fall-marching-band-festival.php LOL..there are a lot more where that came from. Think I'll be in good company.
  10. You didn't offend me at all. Just like drumming there are different techniques in brass playing as well. These same techniques are used on a Bb Trumpet, C Trumpet, D Trumpet, G Bugle etc. There is no one "cookie" cutter technique. Certain things stay the same no matter what like breath support etc, finger placement on the valves, dexterity between finguring and articulating (and there a ton of these that are available). Good technique has been around some time..decades. If they TRULY wanted to educate, they would be actually USING G horns to make them better rounded musicians.
  11. You do understand all brass marching bands have been around a LONG time right?
  12. I have to ask this charlie1223, are you a brass player by any chance?
  13. BTW have you found me any Public Schools that are for profit yet?
  14. You used to be 100% correct..then came Bb & F brass, amps, electric guitars, mic'd soloists and now voice. I am simply awaiting the baby grand to hit the field but I suppose that would be silly since we can simply run a synth patch for that! LOL What defines you is what you do. I think I heard that here from someone....
  15. Essentially it's this, drum corps is no longer a defineable art form, as it has been in the past. It's simply marching band. It's nothing new and scary just the evolution or mutation of what used to be a clear art form to what has been "marching band". All this new (so-called) "innovative" stuff that "corps" are doing (aka voice) has been done by BOA for quite some time.
  16. BOA for all! Glad you agree. http://www.yea.org/site/PageServer ..you were saying? ..and corps lame marching bands. I'm not scared of the term marching band. Quite honestly to get you to admit it is a great step forward! You should be proud! Good job!
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