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Everything posted by MelloMike

  1. lol if you're gonna capitalize glassmen every time, why not just use caps lock?
  2. depends if he's including backfield sound. That backfield sound is gonna be hurt (from what it sounds like) regardless of how many are in the stadium
  3. doesn't mean they'll keep the banner there the same way if it's that noticeable of an effect. My guess is, once hopkins complains about it (and takes the corps off the field ), they'll reconsider the banner and make changes next year.
  4. Good pic, keep 'em comin. Glad to hear about pioneer gettin a 75. Highest quarterfinals score since 2001
  5. I think any shirt $15-20 is reasonable priced, any hoodie less than $45 is a good price, cds $15 or less, and dvds $25 and less. If prices are above these I'll usually pass. I like to try and get things I can't find online if I can. For example, I know dci has the online store for cds and dvds and several corps have online shops too but not every corps does. If I know a corps I like doesn't have an online store, I'm more inclined to buy a shirt or hoodie from them.
  6. I hope so. PC is on right now or just wrapping up and they don't even have a spot on the dci.org/scores for the scores yet. C'mon Pioneer... beat Cascades! *crosses fingers*
  7. Like the other thread talkin about Cascades bein in last and what they can do to pass Pioneer when really, someone's gotta be in last just like someone's gotta improve the least. ^^well said dbc03
  8. improved relative to their competition that is.. If the colts improve by x% and everyone else improves by y% where y > x, then yeah the colts score will probably go down.. but again San Antonio comparison to Murpheesburo is like comparing tomorrows scores with Houston and Dallas, ya gotta compare apples with apples
  9. I can kinda see where you're comin from but at the same time, that's why they call it variance. You can't control what it does and it won't necessarily please everyone, especially you in this case. Such is life I suppose
  10. Why though? scores vary so much whether it's a big show or a small show, you can't even really compare them. Just wait and see how the judges feel tomorrow. Whole new line up, whole nother day..
  11. Colts got an 80.2 tonight, last week they were at a 79.1 so ummm they didn't go down. They didn't go up very much true, but they did improve. Over the last three shows they went up, down, and then up again. That'll happen if you really look from a show to show perspective.. I'm not sure I see the argument here...
  12. I agree with most of that. Not number 4 though. I think it's possible in the next few years to get a first time victor. I'm not gonna try and predict who but I'm still hesitant to rule out anyone. Too many staff changes and musician changes these days that with the right combination of musicians and staff anyone in the top 6 should be able to win it any given year.
  13. I'll second that. It really exposes how dependent on the visual side of the program their show really is but then again, that might not be bad for them.. just makes for imo a weaker encore than other corps offer.
  14. That was the case when I marched as well, our drum majors always came from the hornline so they typically rode the hornline bus
  15. Judges change like every night and I imagine there's times when there's a week or more between seeing the same show. How does this affect a judge's score? Can the judges notice certain drill moves that are cleaner than before? Can they really tell if something has improved even just slightly if it has been a week since they last saw the show?
  16. interesting video, especially liked the cadets in comparison to the cavaliers show, really enhanced the visual differences between the two programs this year
  17. Which brings back the topic... any ideas when they'll be done implementing it? Atlanta, Allentown?
  18. Did anyone else listen to the commentary for this show during the san antonio regional? There's so much subtlety involving the character that is very hard to catch from the audience perspective unless you know what to look for; once you know the subtleties of the show though, I think it really adds to the excitement of watching them.
  19. I know of a dixieland group from that area called the Devil Mountain Jazz Band, also named from Mt. Diablo (not sure though where the blue comes from in reference to the mountain)
  20. Actually, that's not too far fetched. I might switch glassmen and blue knights or something like that but I could see this happening.. well, maybe not but I bet finals will be similar to this
  21. While I agree that live is better, I've seen a number of corps like the Cavies and Colts both live and online and even live, their shows felt lacking imo. Not lacking skill wise obviously but lacking in the goosebumps department like what's being discussed here.
  22. A fair opinion, one that's shared by many as is evident through the threads here. Personally, I'd call it a good season. Almost all the shows this year are receiving feedback both negative and positive (which is to be expected I guess), but I like what's out there for the most part. Nothin' really mind blowingly awesome yet but we'll see come finals time.
  23. Or if you're not a fan of lemon slices, we used to sneak a starburst into our uniform and pop it in our mouth right before we headed for the gate; tasted good and got the juices goin. Prob not the best for the horn, but thats why we only had 1
  24. So Pioneer takes on the Cascades tonight, friday and Saturday after having beaten them on Wednesday. Any predictions on whether Pioneer will maintain above Cascades all 3 nights? Any of the 3 nights? How close do you think these two will be throughout the remainder of the season?
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