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Everything posted by shibby

  1. I was at the game tonight, and that place was really hot towards the start of the game. Once the sun went down, it wasn't as bad. They had both the roof and side window open. DCI Finals was definitely more comfortable lol.
  2. There is also a part in the movie where you can hear part of the Blue Devils '99 show in the background.
  3. Personally, I would love to see CapitAl Regiment come back. I spent all three years that I marched there (see my signature). Was it perfect? No. No corps makes it though the summer without some sort of issue, be it large or small. To start off, Rick Bays did an amazing job with creating the corps from scratch. He managed to put a great team together, started it off slowly, first with the Indoor Percussion Ensemble, and two years later with the drum corps. He made sure he had everything in place so things would run as smooth as possible. When I auditioned there in November 2003, the corps had just finished their first season in Division 1, and was focusing on taking the corps to the next level. We had an amazing staff, new horns, and a very friendly environment. After that camp, I decided to stay there instead of auditioning at another corps the next weekend as I had previously planned. I had a great time in 2004, and returned again in 2005. 2006 had its issues. Those have been brought up on here a few times. Some have been blown out of proportion. I do not feel like we need an explanation from the corps about why or how those things happened because that cannot be changed, but a reason to believe that they won't happen again. I agree with everything Mr. Tracht has said. By getting a response to Mr. Tracht's questions from someone on the BOD either on here, or on the Capital Regiment website, it would help to ease some people's concerns about possibly letting their kids audition there. If they can show that they have figured out how to make things run better than they did in 2006, I (along with many others I assume) will be more than willing to support them and look forward to seeing them on the field next summer. But if it takes another year for them to get things taken care of within the organization, then I would rather see that than having them try to put a corps on the field.
  4. I made sure to say that I appreciated all the work the volunteers did, not just ours, but also the volunteers at the other corps that helped us this year. I understand why you feel that way. I just can't stand that people try to downplay what happend. I didn't say anything that wasn't already made known. I agree that the volunteers deserve a place on here for members to say thanks to them. They do a lot of behind the scenes work that a lot of members don't see or hear about. They wake up before the corps, and go to sleep after them. They are a vital part of every organization. Without them, the corps would have major problems.
  5. Okay, I was reading through this, and I had a few comments about various things that were said. I know I am probably going to take some flak for this, but I feel that these things need to be said. So here we go… I know that people said that the cook truck served us bad food this summer. Some of the reasons people would say that is a)they didn’t care for the food, b)they ran out (I don’t think that happened often, maybe once or twice) or c)it was fast food. I do not believe anyone accused you of not working your butt off. You did, and I for one appreciate it. I know that the majority of the food problems were not the cooks fault. They can only work with what they are given. I know they cared about us and that they did everything they could to take care of us. Not to sound like a jerk, but were they out in the sun all summer, pushing their bodies to the limit every day? The reason the food we eat is such a big deal is because we use so much energy during the day, especially rehearsal days. Being out in the sun for 12 hours while rehearsing chunks of the show requires a lot of energy, which we get from the food we are fed. When I am at home, I don’t really care how I eat, because I am not nearly as active as I am during the summer. We had people that shelled out money for us, and that was much appreciated. We also had other corps give us food (Cavaliers, Colts). We had parents cater dinners for us after some of the shows (San Antonio, Denton). Well, the time we got ice cream and cake, it was our dinner. That is all we were served after the Rockford show. I know that the staff was not very happy about that. As for taking one for the team, 14 people did in Kansas, and they went to the hospital or blacked out. I know that it was not the cooks fault, seeing as how it was not their job to remember to order the food, but it happened. I would really like to see less about the mishaps of this summer on here until we hopefully hear something from DCI, Rick, or a board member from Capital.
  6. Most, if not all of the people that got dehydrated in Kansas happened to have water jugs at the field.
  7. It is not so much a character assassination and airing dirty laundry as much as answering questions people had. The reason some of the members were getting defensive on here is the fact that people are seeming to make the assumption that nothing happened, or that we are exagerating. There were days where we were not fed anywhere near what we should have been fed. There were days where we were fed extremely well. Most of the days where we were fed well happened to be towards the end of the season, after the incident in Kansas. Yes there have been cheap shots taken at Rick by some people. That is just due to frustration with the way things have gone on within the corps. People wanted to know what was going on, and people answered. It is a shame that it has devoloped into what is on these twenty-some pages here. I marched at Capital Regiment from 2004-2006 and aged out this past season. When I started there, we were fed very well. I had no complaints that year, or in 2005. A lot of the small problems that were within the organization surfaced this year and caught up to it. To the volunteer that said we always had enough food, when were you on the truck? It wasn't in Kansas, was it? Yes, most of the summer we did have enough food. But those few days where we did not have enough food, which were most likely when you were not on tour with us, really affected us adversly. That morning we had cereal, most of it along the lines of Fruit Loops, Cocoa Crispies, and other sugary cereals. Combine that with the 120+ temperature, and the six hour rehersal with a half hour break for fruit in the middle, and the lack of nutrition affected us. All it takes is a day or two of not eating right for something like that to take effect. It is too bad that it happened, but it did. And thank you to the Cavaliers for feeding us that day! You guys are a very classy organization. And thank you to the Colts for feeding us snack after the show in Broken Arrow!
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