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Everything posted by charleschuchuta

  1. ....And while I'm a little fired up, let's get one thing straight,^0^" the Blue Devils drumline wasn't "good" in the 80s, they were freakin' great.
  2. What are you smokin'??? Speaking more of BD in the 80s than Cavies. Cavies did have some drum trophy success in the 90s but they seemed a little spread out, 91 (3 way tie with SCV/Star), 92, 95, and 99. But not too shabby.:) Anyway, I don't mean to get overally dramatic on you, but how dare you not respect Tom Float's Drum Dynasty 83-86. 4 in a row is something we may never see again. Truley special. That man (and his lovely wife Catherine) gave of us some of the finest marching percussion the activity as ever seen. He redefined what drumlines could look and sound like with Paradox from 82/83. I could go on and on, but will spare you...:) I listened to the top corps from 85 not too long ago, holy shizaa, BD's line was on a completely other level thanks to Tom. He continued to give us sweet quality beats with BD through his 1990 BD swan song. He did surface a couple years later with VK for a few (92-94), but 1990 Devils I always felt was Tom's way of saying..."It's been fun, it's been real, this is the way I think it should be done, bye-bye"....
  3. ...on the field from Chico, California.....The Bailbondsmen.
  4. Actually the "Jamitors" are the spin-off group at Disney World taking from Tom's group at Disneyland the "Trash Can Trio" aka the TCT. Priceless pic, thanks. :)
  5. I don't think I'd define that as Cavie hating or bashing, whatever you want to call it. Infact, I would not qualify anything in this thread as such. The reason way Cavs came up is becuase someone (G-Cym) used them specifically and comparisons were made.
  6. On the first thing.....what, you mean by going out there finals week and performing and executing at a higher level than anybody else? Yeah, I guess that would give them an "edge". On the second thing.....pretty much.
  7. Again, sure about that? Since the Drum Trophy was decided by the average of all 3 nights the past 5 years let's review, shall we? in 2001 won 2 out the 3.... in 2002 won all 3, a runaway.... in 2003 won all 3 again, another runaway.... in 2004 won 0, SCVs runaway... in 2005 won all 3, yet another runaway.... So out of the past 15 finals week performances Cadets won ELEVEN of them. That "margin" doesn't seem to small to me, looks more like some serious ### woopins. Also, at finals in 03 the next line was down 3 tenths away, if you know anything, you'd know that that is a major spread in the end for a caption. I dig Cavies drum-section too, but they have been getting seriously "owened" as the kids say. Wake up and smell the DYNASTY, dude. B)
  8. I disagree. RE topic: Really could careless about the actual scores, but speads and if the get 1, 2, 3, 4,...etc... correct.
  9. Speaking of BD, I think it would very cool if BD brought back TO and did it justice and then some, not like C1 in 02. That would be the $^$$%.
  10. Then isn't it just a "Drum Corps Alumni Corps"??? Unless there's a need to pad the numbers, I guess I'm missing the point.
  11. 27th VK Star Troopers oh and my fav name of all-time....The Audobon Bon Bons!
  12. You're trying to sound all knowledgable and stuff, but when you say something like that, your "clue" credability suffers greatly, btw. Also, it sounds like you're a bit of a frustrated drum guy that can't seem to get gig. If you're any good you'll get some good gigs or bad, prove yourself, and work your way up........"cream always rises to the top". Let's take Mike Jackson for example. Here's a guy who taught H.S. for years and did some great things with Mission Viejo and others, and now gets a shot running SCV. Serious moxie paying off. I say, get off the comp and go start teaching and you do marching percussion the way you invision it. It's really that simple some times, and if you can't start out teaching some HS gigs, then well, that's your problem. There have been some very cool/great things coming from Drumlines the past 5 years, it is a shame you are not able to appreciate them.
  13. I would also like to add that you say a guy like Cassela going to Cavies is hurting the activity. You also talk about wanting more "innovation". To me, it seems like a very talented guy like Jim inneracting with different other talented people (Cavies as opposed to SCV), would be a beautiful breeding ground for something "fresh" and innovative.
  14. Granted, that may change this year because of the shake-ups in the SCV and Cavies camps, but totally, Rich, up to this point, real easy to tell. This guy mostly sounds like a bunch of hot air.
  15. #1 It kinda looks like you got a serious stiffy for Hannum. I for one am very happy DCI lines are swinging back to a bit of the "notes". However, in the same breath you can say there is not some quality music going on, as well. I really think you should put your personal prejudice aside and pay attention more. The activity has evolved into some cool 'notes' and music. Warms the heart. ps. also you mention Cadets in the lot with 150 people "not cheering", I was there, and my take was that the situation went past "cheering" to stunned from the excellence witnessed. Seriously smokin'...
  16. GE Cadets 05 Visual Cavies 02(allthouth Cadets were very clean) Brass tie (Cavies had a better sound, but Cadets played a heck of a lot more notes very clean, so tie) Drums Cadets 05 Different league kinda better ( No Brainer to Cavies 02 3rd place effort) Guard Cadets 05 (Even with Cavies 02 dropping people they were still in a class by themselves) Music Cadets 05 Cadets 05 swept all captions;Cavies 02 did not.... All of that adds up to winner = CADETS 05
  17. Holy smokes! I thought they won? Was it 04 they won? I get confused...
  18. Staff. If you have the right "staff" the kids will come.
  19. So you can rest easy, they were deducted for that. They would of had 99.25 if that didn't happen. B)
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