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Everything posted by Buckeyefan4life

  1. I didn't know there was a Classic Cavaliers alumni corps. What is the process to get a sponsorship or who would you contact to get sponsored?
  2. To recognize and pay tribute to 156 members they have known to have passed away is touching. The Yankee Rebels are what I've have always known them to be, a class organization.
  3. Please don't fight over this. The Kilties do have lots of tradition, but friends who attend DCA each year tell me the senior version hasn't lived up to the junior's success, which is why I made the suggestion. I'm sorry I did now. Either way I'll get to see them again in Salem and the last time I saw the Kilties was 1974 in Bellefontaine Ohio. I hope I won't be disappointed.
  4. Thanks, I'll check them out in Salem and see where they place.
  5. I believe they started out as an alumni corps to reform their junior corps. At least I read that somewhere. I don't think there is a large percentage of Kiltie alumni left, but many members still appear to be much older than your average DCA Corps. My previous comment was only a suggestion. So why was it uncalled for?
  6. So maybe they should do alumni corps instead. The age factor may be an issue.
  7. (applauding) So true. You sir, win everything in our prize closet.
  8. Was that the year the Kilties beat Minnesota Brass? That was strange.
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