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Everything posted by PhantomCrown

  1. Notice that I said they were pushing for it, not achieving it.
  2. Crown isn't totally flame-bait. I'd be interested to see what would happen if someone criticized SCV.
  3. I think it's because people are afraid of seeing a different corps push into the top 5-6
  4. I thought we were discussing the Crown's sound and not bragging about our education. My bad.
  5. Yeah. In that case then I shouldn't think that 2004 BD is one of the best brass performances ever because they didn't take home a ring that year :sshh:
  6. Yeah, I didn't mind it. Twas a lot better than "In high school, I never felt like I fit in." /cry
  7. Crown has the purest hornline i've heard so far this year, it would be a shame if they put the narration back. Even if they do though, their narration at least makes sense. On the same line, the narration in the Cadets show is just painful because it adds nothing and masks an extremely talented hornline. On the other hand. 2007 Bluecoats = Best use of narration ever imo
  8. Crown and then BC. Cavies music has yet to grow on me, while the Glassmen is starting to.
  9. I hope so, this years music is the most enjoyable I've heard from Glassmen in a long time.
  10. This year's gonna kick ***! I live in Washington where at best I can see 1-2 corps shows a year, and now I get a big Portland show and finals within 2 states. Bring it on!
  11. I do see the parallel between 05 and 07. Well executed shows that are going up against very tough competition. No coincidence that I don't care for 05 or 07 so far :(
  12. Their music rocks, who else hopes that they can stay in the 12?
  13. I was in Foxboro in 2005 and honestly the show didn't do it for me at all. The music was pretty cool in parts, but something about it just didn't work. /shrug
  14. Can't wait to see em in Portland, woot!
  15. Amen. I've loved the Crossmen's shows the last 3 years and they've not made finals in any of those shows. Does it matter? **** no! I'll still go nuts in LA if a show sounds good.
  16. It seems like people are so hung up on the Scouts possibly not making finals that no respect is going to the corps that are out scoring them. Lots of people don't like Glassmen beating Scouts, or Troopers coming so close. Guess what... The Glassmen's show is cool and they sound good, and the Troopers seem to have a fire and purpose this year of coming back strong. Getting to finals shouldn't be automatic just because the corps is popular and beloved. Sorry.
  17. I wish I could agree with you, but the current top 5 is too strong. Give Crown 2-3 more years and I can see it happening.
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