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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Blue Stars
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Blue Stars, Cadets, Star of Indiana, Carolina Crown
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Blue Stars, Finals 2008
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
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  1. I know they changed it, but i'm hoping he still nailed it. Good friend of mine.
  2. Have to wait at least 9 years for that one. DCI has got Lucas Oil locked up pretty tight, I believe.
  3. When Purdue's AAMB played at the IU game (rather not remember the result) a few years back, I thought to myself that it would be an ideal stadium for drum corps. I was right
  4. I've always thought that DCI could host a nice show at Purdue...
  5. Yes I was working my way to this the whole time...
  6. Simply something to hold us over until basketball season starts. And a secondary use for drum corps stadiums.
  7. Add both my parents to that. But their loyalty and money now both find their way to West Lafayette. Um, recap?
  8. Surely is. Jordan seems to be having quite the time with his screaming solo. I'll second that "sorry for off topic." I'm not going to bed without a recap, and I work in 7 hours haha.
  9. It's kind of why I didn't march this year. Last family time before dental school. That, and a little burnout lol.
  10. I am actually from northwest Indiana...The Region if you will. You'll love Purdue, I promise. We have quite the large collection of former marchers and fans. And yes, basketball love is a must. It is the reason I get out of bed in the morning during those long, cold Indiana winters. Can't make finals, unfortunately...family vacation
  11. Purdue, eh? Jordan and Patrick, eh? I'm living with them next year Welcome to the Purdue DCI family. I'm sure we'll run into each other at some point. Boiler up!
  12. I didn't know my tweets would start such a firestorm. I feel compelled to back up my statements and extrapolate on my reviews. First off, these short blurbs from me were coming very quickly, as I was listening/watching the shows. I didn't have alot of time or text characters to go into depth. Another thing limiting my depth is that I have not an eye for flags or an ear for drums: I can't tell the difference between good and great. So I spent most of my time listening to and watching the horns, since that is what I do and what I can make the most sense out of. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see a few of the beginning corps because I was catching up with some old friends from when I marched. I only got to see Colts from outside of the stands, but they had some really excellent sounding sections from where I was. Mellos particularly had a wonderful section feature right in front of me and the hornline had a nice sound quality. I thought Spirit performed pretty well, but I was not enjoying their Kansas theme. It seemed somewhat corny, especially the preshow. Special recognition to the mellophone (I believe, based on where he was marching) that was still marching drill with his arm in a sling. Takes guts to do that. Here's to a speedy recovery Ah yes, the Glassmen that got me in trouble here. Here's what I meant, for those wondering. The infamous tweet came during their opener, which I honestly didn't think was all that interesting from a writing/design standpoint. HOWEVER, I thought that the last half of the show was a big, exciting step up from the first half. I was really into the show by the time it finished. I regret being somewhat rude in my tweet, and I apologize to those whom I offended. As a former DCI member, I certainly mean no disrespect to those marching and instructing: I know exactly how hard they are working and admire them for taking the drum corps journey. I thought that the Blue Stars show was fantastic, except for the clothesline props backfield. I'd like to see them either more integrated into the show (which I really hope is forthcoming) or gone. I hear they are supposed to take on a more central role, so I'll look forward to what's in store. The hornline had a tremendous dark, lush sound highlighted by a stellar low brass section. The new ending was obviously a little rough, but was very exciting and will serve the corps well for the rest of the season. Madison sounded like Madison, and I mean that in a very complimentary way. Definitely sounded different than Blue Stars or Cavaliers, just like they ought to. Their show was really entertaining, but I wasn't in love with the uniform changes. There were some gimmicky synth effects that I wasn't immediately fond of, but driving home I realize that they fit the show better than I originally thought. Uniforms notwithstanding, a really good show that I would love to see again. The Cavies sounded like themselves as well. Their horns were very clean and balanced towards high brass, as they have been for years. The guard uniforms left no mistake about the concept of the show, and I like how they used the ropes (especially when they were tied onto horn players) to illustrate their concept. Good program, but I don't see it as ring caliber just yet. It brought a smile to my face to see their last set made the corps look like a giant Andes mint (anyone?), with a great big green mountain peak. I almost went and bought some at the grocery store after the show. Really enjoyed the show. Ames Field is an ideal stadium for drum corps. I apologize again for the rudeness of a few of my tweets, and hats off to all the corps for committing themselves to this crazy activity we call drum corps. John
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