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Everything posted by K-Swiss

  1. More advice from me (taken from Teaching Percussion). Encourage them to get the beginner drum and bell kits. That way you can work both snare and keys without them having to share instruments.
  2. fred sanford is writing the percussion book
  3. I think Crown's show this year took some hints from other shows
  4. i split my finger wide open during a show once. i played bass, and i was a loud attack in the show. my ring finger got caught between the mallet and the rim and didn't fare well. but i didn't tick the run
  5. THANK YOU. I was waiting for someone to mention FutureCorps
  6. Take a flip through "Teaching Percussion" by Gary Cook. I've read one chapter of it and it's already helped me with my drumline
  7. Pre-season starts the 28th. Then the turns start rolling in Oct. 11th, Drums Along the Mississippi is full-up already. who's in it?
  8. My drum-related dreams usually come during the beginning of a camp. And it's always the same one. I'll by trying to sleep but the entire line is in my room watching e, making it rather hard to go to sleep. Then there's always the mornings when I wake up, it's daylight, and I freak out because i can hear the high school practicing half a mile away. I always thing i've overslept through a rehearsal.
  9. I'm number 22 in m college band, if that counts. (i think it does, since it's my first proper uniform: tight pants, gauntlets, aussie, not 12 pounds of cotton insulation)
  10. Dom, I'll get back to you as soon as I clear it with my director. I'll miss a rehearsal so I'm making sure I clear it with him.
  11. Loopin, i'd love to fly there, but the cheapest plane ticket i could find was $420, and that's after a two or three hour drive to either Houston or New Orleans. I can save about $200 just by taking an extra few hours
  12. Tommy, Eric was not very happy when you guys tilted those snares. Just so ya know
  13. Gongs are actually tuned to a specific pitch. the "gongs" you see on the front line at corps shows are actually tam-tams, and have no specific pitch. just a cacophony of many pitches
  14. just because a corps doesn't get louder as the move back, doesn't mean that they can't. I'm sure if that had been put in the show, Crown's hornline would have delivered all that and a bag of chips
  15. if I ever win the lottery, I'm buying every corps new buses and trucks. Horns come next year, then drums
  16. Crown. When they went into Toccata, it was like I had an 80-person hornline inisde my skull. Coats is a close second, though. But the only show I made it to was Lafayette, and there were only about 10 corps there.
  17. We'll see. First I need to check with my director to make sure there isn't a game that weekend. There wasn't one on the schedule, but the hurricanes have mucked about with that.
  18. Pensacola...perhaps I could drive and give you a lift? It is on the way, after all, and my truck gets pretty good mileage
  19. Auditions are coming up fast, and not everyone has the dough to drop on airline tickets. So I thought we should have a thread where we can post where we're trying to go and from where. This way, we can maybe link up with someone who is passing through our general area. So let the thumbs hang out and hitch a ride! By the way, I'm trying to get to Crown from Lake Charles, LA. Any takers? I'll split gas and food
  20. Kevin Guidry, my Asst. director, for a few years, was a low brass tech for SCV for a couple of years. low brass tech/drum tuner guy
  21. If they're not level when they strap up, it's a problem with the carriers and T-bars, not the logos
  22. i have no idea about screaming, but my favorite screaming moment was from BD's star wars waym-up from 99. removed reference to copyrighted material
  23. No, it's because I've gone back and watched Southwind's past shows and compared them with Crown's shows, and despite my pro-Crown bias, I still think Crown is technically the better corps. Notice I say "technically." If I had the opportunity to march with both corps, then I could give you a better assessment. Don't assume that because I'm young I don't know how to make informed opinions
  24. ..ii really hope that comment was meant to be sarcastic
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