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Everything posted by GUARDLING

  1. You prove my point about AGE having nothing to do with maturity, Not if you're 20 or 60.... TY
  2. Opinion is one thing, That's fine Ignoring what the other person has to say is something different. You seem to have very strong " Opinions" on a subject those who may actually have done this, and well. I suggest, clearly you are quite passionate and believe in you opinion so implement it, talk to someone who wants to hear it, try it, etc etc. A ,message board does not do it . As far as the elite, maybe ask how they got there, what needed to be done, WHY they achieved greatness, how they mentored some of the greats in the activity before you or others disrespect the very people why the activity is even alive today. Anyone who was part of greatness in the activity and I dont mean placements or scores would know this. Others Whine.
  3. Do you actually think those in charge have not tried things over the years to push forward the activity. Do you not think those in charge have exhausted ways ? Independent guards and drum lines even have the worst time just getting a facility for any kind of rehearsal .
  4. You have a huge misconception on drum corps today. Maybe you were listening to someone who spoke about drum corps from the 50s and 60s..That kind of community support stopped decades ago
  5. Bottom line is that you were ( are ) never a rude contributor and very honest of what you know and like you just said, NOT pretending.. Ignore the Troll!
  6. Theres some who do but Wow! There has been many over the years who I may have wanted to say that to ( Thankfully, most are gone from here because it was more of an argument for them than concern about the activity ) BUT you have been a gracious contributor...and thank you
  7. I have a relative in the north east, in his early 40s now in ICU, lung bleeding etc etc. A health care worker BUT outside work supported another way of thinking..Sad
  8. I had this discussion with an ID doctor recently. Having to deal with someone on their 4th covid test in a covid unit I had several opportunities . Anyway, he said we do not know long term effects BUT he did say there could be several. He also said those who are young getting this could see other severe conditions as they age . I said well we all get things aging , he said yes but this could accelerate and complicate things quite a bit. Alot unknown and I'm sure will change as time goes on. This is something that I'm very sure will be talked about and studied for decades to come.
  9. Seat belts have also been know to do damage, the point is wear the darn thing or ticket.For it saves lives. People look to example and as some might think its a sign of weakness one can also look at it as a sign of responsibility, a sign of adult thinking and not some crazy symbol of manhood or macho or a right. Usually those who feel its a sign of weakness especially of manhood ( and I do know a few of them )are just trying to prove they are something they aren't anyway.
  10. I believe I also saw this on TV and the fact of the matter was they did not have proof of HOW and how much people wore masks., Only that they said they did, which what else would they say, " I screwed up and didn't protect myself or others" so now I have it. I actually have a relative in his 40s in another state in ICU now who also is a healthcare worker who said they wore masks all the time...yeah at work only Now I will say I did see it on more than 1 station, I want to make sure I give a chance to all sides of a situation. Of course 1 made more about it than the other and both had their own spin.
  11. Someday YES...Ive been in discussions with many who make these decisions for fall winter as well as summer, so I'm way head of ya! and the talk seems to go all around and HOW not so much when it might happen and safety of members, staff, volunteers, etc etc THEY will make these decisions because THEY alone have the burden of this incredible responsibility
  12. Not taking any bait here..If you feel like it pick one yourself. As I said , If I feel the conversation goes somewhere fine. If not, no point. You are looking for an answer that continually changes in cases, outbreaks, information. You nor I are professionals ( if you are I apologize) so there is no answer at the moment BUT I do know reckless behavior, not doing everything possible to not spread it, even the smallest thing will never bring to us what we all seem to want.
  13. and for those who want things to get back....why not do anything and everything to help that happen, even the slightest bit. Clearly all you have to do is turn on the TV lately to see the opposite
  14. Jim: I had this discussion ( argument ) with someone just yesterday. They said , " If you dont feel safe among those who don't wear a mask in public stay home. " I said why should those trying to protect themselves and others, even a little be the ones who stay home, maybe it should be those who don't take any and all precautions. Obviously the argument goes nowhere. I was in a supermarket about 2 weeks ago and saw a man escorted out by 2 employees for not wearing one. Of course it got heated and police took the guy away. Sad
  15. and one can look at it like it's good the science is changing, it means they are learning more, which should be helpful to all Also with all this a few months ago is like a lifetime ago
  16. How can I or you at this point say when. Clearly there is no definitive answer to that especially with numbers rising again. Wouldnt it be nice if we could answer that question...or anyone for that matter
  17. I just recently spent yet another 24 hours outside a covid unit waiting on results of someone, 4th time and YES the ID doctor said the same when I brought up rapid testing
  18. Again..you want to compare the stomach virus to a potential deadly spread? If so there's nothing to say and is not a debate here or among directors. YES, I said stomach virus BUT to show how quickly it spreads through a corps. Certainly not as a comparison to covid nor should it be. Not dodging the question at all. I also saw all the outrage over ALL the subjects you just mentioned and rightfully so. I saw all the " shut down that corps " for many of the same reasons again you mentioned. I think if we knew the answer right now as far as what is safe we might be in a different place BUT clearly we are not . All one has to do is turn a TV on. As far as discussing, when I feel a discussion with any individual will be productive I'm all for it.
  19. lol...there are some in the past who wouldn't agree with you ( from drum corps not chit chat boards ) lol
  20. If you have to ask.." How Safe " is safe, not much else to discuss...but thanks
  21. You don't move forward with anything until you know how to keep these members, staff, etc etc safe. IMO even the CDC guide lines do not apply when you shove members in a tin can to travel for hours and hours at a time, and everything else I mentioned. Not that it has stopped some in the general public. I think the burden is on those who believe open up, we need to move on, NOT those who believe there's much more to it than that. Personally it's just that I have been talking to staff's, directors throughout the activity and it is quite the burden for all. I think we can or should agree that opening back up to travel and shows as if nothing happened, without a good and safe plan, kids not being 1st on the list of how and why would be totally reckless. Just imagine an outbreak as Jeff said
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