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Old Corps Guy

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Old Corps Guy last won the day on May 26 2022

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Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    1976 - West Allis Wranglers, 1979 - Pioneer, 1980 - Cavaliers, 1982 – Phantom Regiment (Partial Year), 1984-88 - Commandant’s Own, United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, 1990-2001 – Washington Redskins Marching Band, 2010 – Reading Buccaneers
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Reading Buccaneers, The Cavaliers, Blue Devils, United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Blue Devils 1979
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
  • Gender
  • Location
    Harpers Ferry

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  1. This show still melts my heart. It is one of the last great tributes to both the attack on 9-11, along with the recovery, and the storied history of the Madison Scouts. It had the emotion of the event and the power of Scouts Brass sound. The design of this show told the unmistakable story and also had some of the jazz feel of Scouts history. Something that is lacking in the show design since then for Madison.
  2. I have used both Finale and Sibelius (another old one) for some time. I always like the ease of use for Sibelius. However, Finale had better sound. Even though they won't be supported any more, they can still import midi and work just fine.
  3. Being a UW Whitewater alum, the Wisconsin state bird can still be assumed the mosquito. As for repellent, the secret in the Marines for the Albany, GA bugs was Avon Skin-So-Soft. It did wonders.
  4. I suspect this will be the new norm for DCI - All Age. We will see students that can't afford DCI - World Class and choose the less expensive version with weekend only drum corps. Slightly
  5. This is a great playlist, so I made it one. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedxMsAGnBU1BmOzc4vtW1NlHcw3DyXrf
  6. The combined corps of Kilties and Pioneer present their 2025 show "A Kiltic Blessing" I did actually see what looked like the Kilties practicing at Pioneer Land this past weekend while I was visiting Milwaukee.
  7. You do realize that since Madison's last championship in 1988, Cavaliers have been ahead of them every year, right?
  8. They aren't on leave. Enlistment can end at any time of the year. We only took leave in Dec/Jan as block leave.
  9. The Marines perform as part of the Battle Color Ceremony around the country and overseas with the Silent Drill Platoon as well as do events on their own.
  10. On the stick. I adjusted my audio delay as much as I could.
  11. On the stick. I adjusted my audio delay as much as I could.
  12. I am watching the rebroadcast now and the sound is off against the video. The same thing happened during all age. Are others having this same issue.
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