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Everything posted by brassEXPERT

  1. Actually they are neither specific drum corps instruments nor specific marching band instruments. Specifically, each company labels these instruments under a sub category called "Marching Brass" in which the products are geared towards being sold to high school marching bands, college marching bands, and drum and bugle corps alike. With few exceptions, like the trumpets of many of these premier marching instrument companies, the instruments are all specifically designed for the marching arts. Although some might call the Bb trumpet a band instrument, it does often have its uses in the orchestra and has a unique, darker tone quality that a C trumpet cannot replicate. These are all just instruments, instruments geared towards a specific purpose, just as G bugles were geared towards, but not exclusive, to Drum and Bugle Corps of the early generations.
  2. Unfounded accusation? In your opinion - sure. I attempt and fail - in your opinion sure, but not to the members of both organizations. Arrogance rarely seen here on DCP - sounds like a personality issue not a trolling issue. Again, go ahead and PM, but for the time being - let us stick to the topic at hand and not waste time calling others out on trolling, when no trolling has taken place. Getting involved once a claim has been made and confirmed by multiple sources indicates that you are upset by the claim, and thus feel threatened that the image of your corps might be tainted in some way. Again - I did not choose to violate typical respect code in uniform, only to post about it. If you are referring to the blue devils comment, then I would like to see this infamous youtube video that proves it was another corps. Show me your proof that I am trolling, unbiased.
  3. Why tackle on the entire post then. Can you link the video, not that I don't believe you, but I would like to see it for myself. I really don't believe you have grounds to call ignorance
  4. Show proof. Don't add comments unless you have something valuable to add to the discussion. The topic at hand is corps rivalries, and we have demonstrated that there is some rub between Carolina Crown and other corps. Because you chose not to believe doesnt mean that the comments are false. If you would like to comment about the way I post or my subject matter, PM me. When you feel like you have anything worthwhile to say, I am sure it could contribute nicely to the topic. Until then, enjoy your troll accusations for a nice christmas dinner and eat them.
  5. Please - just because you call troll doesn't mean that it is trolling. Especially when the corps you are defending without proof is in your signature. You can try all you want to dismiss the fact that Carolina Crown has acted without class in multiple occasions, but all it does it add to the ignorance of the fan base. I tend to look past the competitive results of a corps and look at how the members act on and off the field when deciding how I feel about them. You waste your time sending stupid images like that against legitimate comments on this forum
  6. Wow. Really dude? Sounds like something Mark Madden (for all you Pittsburgh people) would say if you called in to ask about Drum Corps.
  7. I certainly agree with this statement - and I am not sure of any deal that includes a Flugle with the purchase of a trumpet. If so, sign me up! If bones are looking for a powerful hornline sound, flugles are definitely leading them in the wrong direction. I am curious to find out if the flugles would be used the entire show or as a part of a feature somehow. In that event - more power to them
  8. I have heard about this incident from a multitude of sources, both on and outside of DCP. Simply astonishing that a corps so successful can act with such little class. IMO, this is worse than any bragging of winning and screaming by Los Diablos Azules, worse than ruining a corps reputation by holding over notes after losing a championship and ruining mass brass for the rest of DCI, and certainly worse than bad talking any other corps while representing your own. Total display of immaturity, and a lack of respect for the spirit of competition. When it comes down to it, that is a big part of this activity after all.
  9. It is not a matter of G versus Bb. Corps like the Cadets and Crown which capitalize on volume and impact are even tamed by the oil can. It is simply a matter of venue - every other stadium works just fine.
  10. This is exactly along the lines of what I was trying to say. Thank you
  11. I am sorry pio fans, but this is pretty accurate. Despite the fact that kids are getting a good experience at pio, the fact remains that they have become a running joke amongst many WC and even OC corps in terms of their competitive success. Kids are getting equally as good growing experiences at open class corps, other lower class corps, or even top five WC corps, but having better competitive success. It is unfair to say that Pioneer provides kids with an incredible learning experience and life lessons and everything else, so their lack of results competitively are excused. I am not trying to knock on the individual experiences people have had in their time with Pioneer, but other people have shared similar growing and learning experiences in many other corps, and do better competitively. This is all in reference to recruiting - so when it comes to kids making choices, picking a corps with the same valuable lessons except one will win and one will lose is a pretty easy decision. Other corps also accept members that just pick up instruments,
  12. Not jumping on you, but this is the first mention of Cadets 2009. What was wrong with the sampling of voice in that show that makes it worse than say Crown 2007 or Bloo 2007? I didn't think it was necessary but I though it was kinda' cool
  13. You are correct Garfield. Comment was removed because it was an overreaction to someone trying to post their opinion. I regularly practice writing and reading before sending, but I forgot the reading portion this time around.
  14. 2010 was a play on the nature of the cadets, a social commentary if you will. I don't think that it was over-gimmicky, and there were actually some fantastic moments. Little Geoffrey was a little bit over the top, but he played well to the purpose of the show. Boy plays with toys, toys come to life, toys and boy go on adventure, boy becomes toy. I thought the show was very entertaining, especially because that trumpet line was freaking incredible.
  15. I was referring to Frostburg State for the Maryland school, and didn't articulate that I was recognizing another school well. Again, my apologies.
  16. Ah, my apologies. FSU automatically means Florida State University around these parts unless you are talking about a smaller college in Maryland, which usually gets it full name spelled out. Fresno State! Not sure if that is actually the school you go to, but I forgot about other FSU's.
  17. I don't know of this approach you speak of, but typically the Cavies actually play less music than every other top 5 corps (referring to the past 5 years), and also play music standing still very often. Every other corps does the whole running and playing thing as well, and I specifically was talking about Cavies as compared to the Cadets. I am not saying that the Cavies do not have any musical difficulty, but I am saying they are much more a visual corps as compared to the Cadets, not intending for that comment to be blown up. And yes - I do know that their music is more often more tonally complex than say phantom or crown, but honestly so what. It is the style of music they have chosen to go with, and it doesn't make their music any more demanding than any other corps, especially when other corps are taking "less tonally complex" music and running around with it or playing long strands of sixteenth note (or faster!) runs that span over the entire corps.
  18. Not in terms of the DCI ticket sales, although you can definitely track this even though it wouldn't be as effective. individual corps sell blocks of tickets to the different major competitions, so it is actually possible to see whether a person purchased tickets from one of the top corps or directly from DCI. What would this prove? The whole purpose to starting a G8 in the first place. The fact that the top 8 corps are really keeping DCI alive right now financially. Now, I have marched with an open class, a lower world class, and an upper world class drum corps, and I can tell you from experience - the shows with the most people are the ones with the best corps, and the more top corps ALWAYS drew in more people. On the contrary, many corps fill a football stadium for their preview events at the end of spring training. I was personally at the Cadets preview clinic last year, and saw that there was not much room in the stands, as well as a couple hundred people tuning in online to watch the corps perform PART of their show. Fact is, there is no FACT that says individual corps are not a part of the major draw for a DCI show. Not everybody in the audience goes to a show for the CONTEST purpose. Tell the parents of a member of the Jersey Surf from 2007 and 2008 when they went to the East Coast Classic as the lone open class corps that they actually came for the contest, and not to see their child perform. You can't assume that every paying member of a DCI audience is there to see everybody, and further to enjoy the competition. I really enjoyed Black Swan, but really, I went to see it because I think Natalie Portman is hot. They got my business because of Natalie Portman. You always assume a number of different things in your posts, especially those that are a rebuttal to mine. Don't say something is FACT unless it is, in fact, FACT. To answer your question, no. I actually know for a fact that the individual talent of a corps like the Boston Crusaders is actually more than even corps in the top 6. The Cadets have less talent than maybe even all of the corps in the top 8, although they manage to be a contender every year. I was merely talking about the quality of the performance of the corps, when I referenced talent. Talent that is, to demonstrate marching and paying at a high level every single year. The G8 does not have to do with the competitive results of last year, although it worked out that the G8 is the top 8 from last year. The G8 was formed on competitive principals that looked at the top 7 corps of the past couple of years, who was bringing in the most souvie money, who was bringing in the most people to competitions, and who was generating the most money for DCI. It was these corps that then decided any member that has successfully achieved the rank of one number lower than the current G format (i.e. G-7, and getting 8th place) for three years, could be included. The Blue Stars were able to get 8th place three times, so they were invited to be in the G8, which they certainly jumped on right away.
  19. First of all - not true. Please point me in the direction that states that the Cadets will be using "many vocals" in 2011. Please point me in the direction that has the AITA piece using "many vocals." Also, kind of harsh to now call out a design staff for wanting to take use of completely legal technology that was voted up by the DCI corps directors in order to help make their shows more entertaining. It is not about taking away from the brass percussion and guard, but only to enhance the performance with extras and represent the evolution of the activity. A vocal solo in the beginning of the production that does not interfere with the brass and percussion is a great move by the design staff too add a new texture into the mix and use it effectively.
  20. Although not the biggest fan of synthesizers because they are now used to enhance the sound of the brass, this idea is absolutely ridiculous. You just kicked Scouts out of finals in 2010, dropped the Cavies out of the top 5, and totally shifted everything else. Penalizing a corps for following the rules? Sorry, there is nothing that says use of technology is officially cheating. Like it or not, it is within the rules
  21. I am not trash talking for the sake of trash talking - if you are convinced based on the word of your friends that is ok, but it doesn't override the rivalry that many other members of both organizations have admitted to and fueled. I won't pretend the Cadets havn't done anything either - thats all part of the rivalry as well, but I do not know of any specific things they have done. Watch the 09 Crown tour DVD. If i had a dollar for every time one of the members talks about how they did in comparison to the Cadets the previous evening, I'd be rich. Seems pretty obsessive to not have anything to do with a rivalry, or one certainly in the making For the record - I know of many Cadets that go to FSU
  22. This should be renamed to "How will you react to the new G8 format?" Some of you answers do not implicate any showing of angst from participants in the survey.
  23. Watch where you use "we." Also, it is impossible for vocals to cover up what the brass and drums are playing or their unique blend if the focus is on the vocals, or the brass and drums are resting. By this statement, it is ok for vocals to be used as long as they don't cover anything up, which is actually how they are intended to be used in this specific show (Vocals clear out of the way as brass comes in).
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