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Everything posted by bmt2116

  1. Cavies 2010. Obviously performed the s**t out of it, but honestly it bored me. Never been a Blue Devils fan either...
  2. 1 - Bluecoats 2 - Crown 3 - Cadets 4 - Blue Devils 5 - Cavies Just a guess.
  3. Def. I haven't been this excited for a season maybe.....ever?
  4. Lol. However, you guys can make fun all you want, but I'm excited to have a show that's dealing with big ideas like this.
  5. Fair point. This is one of the greatest videos ever.
  6. Crown is so loud they don't need to take it to 11. Their loudness comes from their amazing intonation. There comes a point where your ears can barely tell the difference anyway. I'd so much rather hear good sound a very loud volume than bad sound at a super loud volume... Bad sound at ANY volume, for that matter....
  7. That's why I want more info. And haven't you ever heard Gaston?!
  8. I'm really in need of some more information on this show. Some rep. Something. Because, to be honest, the cavies have started rubbing me in the wrong way. Shoot me now, but I didn't care for Mad World. The whole masculine energy they were trying to show off wasn't working for me, and this new show worries me a bit. Call me a feminist (I'm a guy) but somewhere deep down I feel that they're getting a teensy bit sexist. Just march and play. You don't need to tell us you're masculine. You're an all male corps...I can figure that out for myself. I don't need to see another celebration or assertion of how manly the Cavies are...I miss their frameworks days. To be fair, I totally love them almost always. The potential directions of this concept just leave me feeling weird for some reason.
  9. You just got me 10x more excited for this season. And I was already way too excited to begin with.
  10. Not a BD fan, but I LOVE this. Actually excited for them this year!
  11. Lawz. I was gonna suggest an allusion to the X and Y axis used in geometry. But this is probably more accurate...
  12. All very excellent points. Especially that we may not recognize the activity in 30 years. One thing that WILL keep drum corps alive (and ANY art form alive) is the willingness to change. If an art form hopes to survive, it must stay relevant. If we want to see drum corps in 30 years, we should be willing to accept that it may look like a very different activity then (indeed, this seems to be a discussion we're already having). Shows may be very different. And that's okay! I do raise one concern. The arts and music, in the long run, may not be going anywhere, but we should also face that drum corps is a niche activity, so though the arts in general may be sustained through difficult times, smaller niche art forms are at a greater risk of disappearing. However. Drum Corps is much less government dependent than many other art forms. BECAUSE it's a niche activity, the fanbase is strong and always aware of the dangers of cuts. In a sense Drum Corps may be able to survive because it funds itself. Remember, these kids are paying to march, which means they want to be there. They're not professional musicans. Drum Corps may be expensive, but its nowhere near as expensive as, say having to pay a yearly salary for every member of a world class orchestra (indeed, the Philadelphia Symphony just filed for bankruptcy). I think that, so long as drum corps fans don't get TOO comfortable with their situation and are always aware of the dangers of falling into obscurity, we'll be fine. It is this exact kind of conversation that sustains the activity. So thanks for posting!
  13. Is it wrong that I secretly wish this were true?
  14. I'm guessing no guitars. The hornline rocks without them.
  15. I think it's WAY to early to judge anything. All we know is a VERY general concept and repertoire. We don't know how it'll be approached. Remember 2009 and 2010 all we got was a concept with the announcement, but the shows ultimately became narrative driven and very complex beyond what the description gave.
  16. No thought or reflection? I wrote an 11 page final in my art history class on their 2009 and 2010 shows. Got an A. My professor's comment? "I had no idea that the marching arts had developed so far as to merit in depth study and thought, but these performances have convinced me!" If anything, the past two years for Crown have PUSHED the bounds of what drum corps can do, especially when it comes to doing shows that people can "think" about...
  17. If there's anybody that can make this work and not seem cheesy, it's Klesch. I can't wait to hear his arrangements...
  18. Because it's artistically interesting and adds variety to the activity?
  19. To be fair, you didn't end with a question mark, implying a statement. It was pretty easy to read that as "It is easier to do body movement than drill." The English language is a beautiful thing.
  20. I think we get a show announcement today!!! On Crown's Facebook: "Who had 4/18 as the exact date for the day we announce the show theme?" Then a later comment from them after people commented on the status: "Nobody had the 18th.... hmmmmm what to do?"
  21. I think I'd just take a bus. And I'm defintiely going to the meadowlands show. I got amazing seats specifically so that my boyfriend's first DCI experience will be excellent. I can't convince him to come to allentown either (too long a trip for something he's dubious about). I guess the question is just whether or not to see Eastern Classic when I'm DEFINITELY seeing the (possible) top 8 the next day.
  22. Hm. Okay thanks. Mine are on the outside. I'm a bit dubious of the volume of sound anywhere out of the 35.
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