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Hook'emCavies last won the day on June 3 2023

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  1. Happy 4th of July folks. Just wanted to make the official, post that I'm not going to a show due to self reflection. I'm trying to get myself back in tune with what I want in life and a lot of other things. I was told to never give any ideas to any corps for years..... but I have since 2011. I also believe that DCI is headed in a direction that doesn't help kids get off the streets. I think... I think im done with having this over my shoulders. 🙂 Good luck to all of the corps this summer and future summers. Hook'emCavies
  2. Well when ever I say it, I usually get the question "what does that mean"... so I explain it. I obviously don't know the meaning behind the chant, but that's what the corps says.
  3. All the more to Google it when they get to their destination. Lol!!!
  4. Funny enough yall, I could actually get a custom license plate that says Splooie..... I'm very tempted.
  5. I thought the show was in CT OOOOF GO CAVIES!
  6. COME ON CAVIES!!!! 1...2...3... SPLOOIE!
  7. I heard them while they were warming up... not bad! There was one mello that needs to balance a bit better, but they sounded very nice!
  8. Just reminder that team USA mens soccer is playing Bolivia today in a group stage match in the Copa America tournament. LETS GO USA!!!! ..... and Cavies lol!!
  9. Uniforms look good. Needs more kelly green........ and contra.
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