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Everything posted by karuna

  1. Guys they don't even have the whole show on the field. Yes the brass is struggling. Maybe that's because they were given a book that challenges even Crown! A LOT can happen. Where will Crown finish? IDK but it sure isn't over yet.
  2. CrownGuard ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ!!!!
  3. Uhhhh.....no. No real fire. And please no giant puppets; some things should never happen again!
  4. Fun scores. But..... It's not SA yet. IMHO there's a lot of show left to put on the field (more than usual I think) . Rest of part 4 and then whatever tag they've got up their sleeves. Be patient and just keep swimming!
  5. You're still struggling with the misconception that somehow Crown's design process from 2017 to now is monolithic. Crown's design process has been in flux. A lot of people have been through the door. That directly contradicts your assertion that they're doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results., Instead they are spinning the wheel over and over and getting consistent results IN SPITE OF all the changes.
  6. I think competitive inertia is a real thing. Crown beat BD early and often in 2013. If they had stayed out East and then met up with an undefeated BD program, do you think they would have done as well? Somehow I doubt it. Maybe they squeak out some wins on the final East leg and then win in Indy. Or maybe BD edges them out as they did so often. Going out West you get a "clean slate" and "apples to apples" comparisons, unfinished and raw against unfinished and raw. When you meet up mid season you face a far more refined BD program that (because of their process) has ingested the feedback into the design of the show. It's not that they have a better show from the start -- it's the direction that design takes as the season progresses. So yeah -- IMO there's a big advantage to getting compared BEFORE they undertake that process.
  7. Interesting theory. Except that the visual and percussion design team has changed multiple times. So....all these designers came up with exact same flawed design concepts? In reality Crown has been pushing the envelope as well. Their uniform concepts were already changing the activity well before 2013. Their aggressive boundary pushing on the brass saw other programs adapt (most shows now have an extremely technical section. Heck even BD has now played Brass Band literature! Crown was doing "dance" on the field well in advance of the rest of DCI. 2013 was NOT a different design for Crown. The single thing that stood out to most of the members marching that program was the demand was ever so slightly rolled back in favor of increased clartiy at the end of the season. Of course they also traveled west to start the season which IMHO helped as well. I believe if you force judges to put BD 2nd early in the season, it seems much more reasonable to judges to put BD 2nd later in the season. Additionally 2013 was an exceptionally strong group of performers. Finally you can reasonably argue that at least one of the post-2013 Crown shows was a 1st place show. So if you put all that together -- there's nothing wrong or dated to Crown's approach. It's merely different. Last of all, Crown certainly did struggle to find the right balance of percussion, visual and guard staff on both the design and the instructional sides. To their credit they keep tweaking things until they (finally) seem to have gotten it right. The departure of Potter-May-Townsend and most of the guard staff and performers was not something admin had time to plan for in advance. It certainly took time to regain their balance. OTOH they continued to draw talent and perform at extremely high levels in spite of the turmoil .
  8. Also -- this was on day 5 of the season!
  9. Well BD wins most years. Not sure if BA is really much of a predictor. We had TOC shows where the top corps were getting together early and often. How long has BA even been a thing? (since 2013 apparently)
  10. Broken Arrow always involves so many first reads that numbers are wonky. In fact all the TX numbers up to SA seem to fluctuate vigorously. After SA there's movement but it's more incremental -- a slow burn to Indy if you will.
  11. Just havin' some fun! I retract all my hype encouragement and restate my "things mean nothing until SA". GO CROWN!
  12. Yeah but SOMEBODY has drive the hype train !! ๐Ÿš…
  13. Nah go ahead and ride the wave! ๐ŸŒŠ
  14. Just got back in. Way to go Crown! ๐Ÿ‘‘
  15. Two things from me and then I'm turning into a pumpkin. Guard was FIRE tonight. And stupid clean. Love it. Watch out Doo-Doo we're coming for that Z! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the emphasis on ridiculous dynamic range in the brass. No one is playing PPP or FFF as well as Crown. And it's so dynamic. Every phrase is shaped so wonderfully. OK 3 things. Scores before SA don't mean anything. (just a reminder!)
  16. Probably heard a lot more errors than we did on Flo (which is not surprising) It's a different kind of book. Not as much note ramming -- way more demand in timing. Not too worried.
  17. Stamina issues during seeds of love. But a fun show from colts. Glad I donโ€™t have clean that visual. It was way better but still exposure is crazy
  18. Love to hear drum corps standards re-imagined.
  19. Well that wasnโ€™t nearly as painful. But still a lot of performers riding the struggle bus.
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