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Everything posted by badoo

  1. is how I feel after reading this thread.
  2. I was at the Atlanta show. I think you are dead wrong. Placements were exactly right in the top 3 at least. The performance quality of the Cadets and Cavies was significantly lower than BD (yes, I know BD was 3rd in brass. I was in the upper deck, so I can't argue that at all). Were the other SHOWS better? Sure. Were they executed as well as BD? Not at all.
  3. Being in Atlanta, all the people around me LOVED BD. However, I wouldn't want reality to get in the way of your confirmation bias, so carry on
  4. Plus, more importantly, how can you not like Seinfeld? Probably like The Big Bang Theory or something
  5. If that happened, I'm sure only a certain number of DCPers would be concerned They could call it IHOB (International House of Bandos) and I would still be happy!!!!
  6. Okay. I just hear many of my old corps friends say things like "look at those lame bandos over there". I don't know, seems to reek of a HUGE lack of self-awareness. We are the real bandos, not them
  7. Honestly, even though I didn't notice the booing because I could not care less about that, there is booing in Atlanta every year The Cavaliers aren't in 1st at that show.
  8. Don't be shy with the red marks. Obviously, I meant that the placements of the shows I saw were dead on. Plus, I am WAY too old to care about placements
  9. I don't see it as an insult. Who would? We were all in marching bands at one point.
  10. That's what I tell new people to the activity. Only people in the activity care about the distinction. I've personally never understood why there is such a hangup about the DCI band thing.
  11. I was there, and I didn't hear people boo. When was it?
  12. Disclaimer: I'm getting too old to sit still too long, and didn't see everyone. I will not talk about electronics balance too much, as I was in section 322 and too far away to notice. I am a brass guy through and through, so all other stuff will be be mentioned with admitted ignorance. I also am a guy who focuses mostly on show design, so there is that too Glassmen: The brass sound is a definite improvement over past years, so thumbs up to that!!!!! I saw five sections to the show, and the first two and the closer were effective, but the middle two were not. It felt forced and contrived. I like to see shows try to do something, but this show lacked a definite momentum and continuity, which I do think will cost the corps finals. Troopers: They follow KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) very well and in an effective manner. The corps is obviously young and the design staff knew it, in a good way. The brass is solid, the show is easy to enjoy, and I think this is a good launching off point to try something more ambitious in the future if they so choose. I don't think they quite have the punch to make it in finals, but wouldn't surprise me if they did. Blue Knights: They are relatively clean, effective, and safe. Really not much else to say of note of this. Didn't bother me, didn't excite me. Blue Stars: Holy ambition, Batman!!!! This show is significantly over the member's heads!!!! They are performing well enough to keep finals, but they have got to know what they are working with!!!! Spirit of Atlanta: Holy Mellophones, Robin!!!!! It has a similar vibe to Troopers: designed to the age and talent of the corps. Obviously, darker, but still effective. The brass has GOT to start listening to each other, especially on the move, if they want to move past 12th. Effective use of electronics. SCV: My favorite show of the night!!!! I get tired of the "good always conquers evil" feel of drum corps, and this is not that show!!!! I like the understated brass sound, I thought the drill was extremely effective, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) they had a message and execution that did not involve the winning formula (I think you know what I mean). Boston Crusaders, Madison Scouts: didn't see it Bluecoats: Honestly, from a design standpoint, disappointed. They never seemed to make up their mind as to what the show was: dark and expressive, or light and entertaining, so it didn't work as either. Brass is great and smart. Phantom Regiment: (Flame suit on) Show was good and entertaining, brass was AWFUL!!!!!!! I know they are normally too loud, but this was something else all together. Do these guys even know what ensemble sound means? It was that bad. There were individuals blasting out ALL SHOW LONG. That being said, 5th sounds about right to me. Carolina Crown: What a wonderful brass sound!!!! Doesn't get much better than that. There is a thin line between entertaining and pandering to the masses, and this shows sprinted past that line, but the brass sound does make up for it. Cavaliers: The brass sound is way different now, for sure. I have always thought they are not comfortable playing at drum corps loud, and this show doesn't change my opinion. They march very well, the guard kicks major patootie. The show is fairly conventional with the same ole' gimmicks, but that's fine. They only tip toe that line. I don't think they will win. The show isn't quite there. Cadets: Great, great show. LOVE the dissonant doxology. KISS to the max, but in a creative way. Will probably win if it comes to show design. Blue Devils: What is there to say? Highest talent, highest execution, EXTREME confidence from the members. This is what drum corps performance should be for everyone. The show itself is quite limited in creative possibilities. Will probably win if it comes down to execution. I thought the placements were dead on.
  13. Just got back from the show. Not gonna review now, too tired. I will say my favorite show of the night by far was SCV. What a bold show!!!!!
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