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Everything posted by JKT90

  1. Bottom line is the GE is not there to win. Love the show, all are performing great, show design is lacking. I predict 4th place.
  2. Something I have been thinking about and am curious if DCI does this, not to my knowledge do they, and of they do not, why? What's the biggest issue with most corps? MONEY. Your largest budget items goes to 1. food and 2. fuel. There are, let's for easy math, say 20 touring corps, each with at least 3 buses, an equipment trailer and food trailer, add in souvie truck and possibly staff vehicle and a 4th bus. Wonder how much it costs to fill a corps fleet?? It costs around $1700 per day to feed a full corps and staff. Wonder what a trip to CostCo or a Food Distributor costs? To help corps out, why does not DCI get in touch with PILOT or Flying J and negotiate a fuel cost, or a CostCo (or a food distributor and negotiate food costs. In return, for a discount, corps would use these companies throughout the summer. Even if Flying J agreed to a 20% discount (any discount would help) on fuel costs, look at how much they would make by have each corps with 6 vehicles x 20 corps fueling at their location all summer, same with food costs...add in an additional incentive with them being non-profit organizations and I am sure there would be some tax advantages for these companies. Same thing with sports wear, GatorAide, etc. their logos could be added to the food truck and get free nation wide advertising all summer...but I digress, address the 2 largest expenses first. Seems to me DCI is dropping the ball and has an opportunity to actually help these corps save some money...seems common sense to me, so, I am wondering why they do not do this, or have they tried and failed? Just my $0.02. JKT90
  3. Just back from Daytona... Crossmen - impressive. High energy. BAC - entertaining. Cadets - My Lord. Wow. In your face. Bloo - next level stuff. Just ####.
  4. It's called Stolen Valor in the military, and definitely not cool.
  5. If SoA was a car, you gotta deal with all the mechanics first, all the stuff you don't see, before painting it and doing a wax job...the mechanics are there, the wash and wax is coming.
  6. Late last year, after new leadership took over, they met with Dan Atchison and decided to delay going on the road, which resulted in huge financial savings...the prior regime almost did a Glassmen...so, the fact they are on the road is a miracle. There was also some stuff from former staff who caused a stir...unprofessional behavior is what I will say. What I know about the show "Georgia" is this, it's a girl named Georgia who meets a guy, falls in love, and then deals with betrayal. What I can tell you about SoA is they are now positioned for longevity and their infrastructure is solid, and I'm talking top corps solid business model...what's on the field will take some time to catch up to the business side of things. But they are positioned well. Very solid "back office". Any questions just hit me up.
  7. Regarding the switch from Yamaha...I do not know why, this was a decision made by the prior regime. Regarding Alumni support - it outstanding...unlike anything the corps has seen since the 80's. The corps leadership and BOD are focused on creating an outstanding experience for the members, and have welcomed alumni in with open arms. There is a lot happening, not in the public eye, and it is very positive as it relates to the long term viability for the corps.
  8. There was a meeting with DCI late last year...the suggestion, and course taken, was by delaying the start of tour by a week or so, the financial savings would be significant. The current board, which is now being led by business executives including a CEO of a major music store all have corps experience, and are restructuring finances and the infrastructure in which the corps runs, along with a business model...basically, think of it as a struggling business on the verge of bankruptcy, with new leadership who are laying the ground work for long term stability. It makes more sense to sacrifice short term success for long term gain. This is not only the wise thing to do, but fiscally prudent. The long term plans are very bright...and for the first time in, ever? The leadership/BOD are very successful business executives and are being very responsible with every single decision made. I can also mention, without naming names, that one top 10 corps who went through the same thing, has been, and is continuing to be very/extremely forthcoming and helpful...the combination of this along with the BOD leadership bodes well. This season is step 1. **And I am not saying by sacrificing short term for long term is ANY indication on this year, rather a general comment on responsibility.
  9. 40 years of Spirit in 40 days currently running on Instagram. Full time social media being headed up by an individual who owns and runs his own social media company. https://instagram.com/spirit_of_atlanta There is a comprehensive social media strategy. If u follow on Instagram there is new info everyday...there is also much on twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/SpiritDrumCorps?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Mike McIntosh signed on as a sound designer. Caption heads are in place. Board of Directors structured as a business with a few individuals working in the non profit world, one which is responsible helping non profit raise a few billion dollars, another with the Boy Scouts of America. http://spiritdrumcorps.org/ The Delta Group currently has 115 members and is contributing close to $3,000 per month...it is continuing to grow. Much is happening right now..https://youtu.be/PtWSuT1SWh8
  10. If I were in charge I'd obviously be privy to the whys and how comes. I do know the BoD is taking s very professional and business like approach to the situation and making decisions which are fiscally responsible.
  11. In all actuality the staff could be announced right now...they are 99% complete...just waiting on contracts. Verbals are in place. Play time is over folks! Nothing on a go forward basis will resemble anything that use to be. That is a promise you can bank on!! JKT90
  12. I cleaned a few weeks ago, and this was back in July. :(
  13. A few months I ran across a website where you could order corps pictures going back many years. One was a serious pic, the other was kind of a goof off pic...does anyone know the site I am talking about? I can't find it online with any of my searches. Much thanks!!
  14. Not to mention the board is being structured with business professionals, and is being run as a business. There is no $$ begging....rather a program called the Delta Group, which is open to anyone, ran by the SoAAA and designed to help the members, help corps, and invest in interest bearing accounts. There are over 1000 interest forms already for 2016, and there have been plenty of qualified staff members in all areas express a great interest in coming on board. I am not worried about it...under the prior regime there was cause for much worry...those days are over.
  15. Thanks! And welcome to the Delta Group...Susan was traveling to ATL for the BoD meeting this weekend and was delayed in pushing out the latest update. I should have that today. I also heard last night that there have been 1091 interest and audition forms for 2016 already turned in. SoA will be stronger and more relevant than ever...We could use your support!!
  16. In the early 2000's, may have been in 2000, I'd have to look, there was an attempt for a hostile take over for SoA...it was a well planned attack from a couple of individuals associated with a DCA corps who wanted to be DCI...alumni (a small group) blocked the attempt...this is a much longer story, but i'm giving you cliffs notes...at that point the corps created Friends of Spirit under which Spirit would now operate...Ken Bodiford (JSU Director), offered to take in Spirit, which is why it was then changed to Spirit of JSU or Spirit from JSU (can't recall)...after a couple of years and some stability was gained, the corps moved back to GA, and I think it was Spirit of, or from Peachtree City (??), then it was rebranded as just Spirit, until a few years back they were able to move back to Atlanta, and reclaimed the name Spirit of Atlanta. Under its' new leadership (Jeff Nelson - CEO Lonestar Percussion & SoA and BD alum), he is assembling a board of business professionals & being an alum is not a requirement, and as it should be IMO. The alumni have all pulled together, and are joining a movement called the Delta Group, and it is open to anyone, just ask Harvey, he joined earlier this week and is a Phantom fan. The model is a recurring tax write off monthly donation of $20. Strength in numbers!! ...for more information, and if you would like to support a corps heading into its' 40th year, visit www.soaaa.org and join the Delta Group. It takes 5 minutes. Your name will be added to the website, and you will be added to a private FB page that lists out long term investment strategies, monthly statements on bank accounts and an opportunity to have a say on where and what money is spent on...this is 100% transparent. Additionally - There is a CrowdFunding effort that recently launched: http://igg.me/at/SpiritOfAtlantaDeltasUp/x/11942304 If you would click the link, and Like it, Share it, Tweet it, etc. the more of those that happen, the broader it is pushed out onto their platform. Anyone can at least do that right??? There is a really cool video that will replace the one currently on there, and that is coming soon, it is final edits now... Bottom Line!! Help out a fellow corps...the activity needs Spirit of Atlanta!!!
  17. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone may have, to the best of my ability, and as forthcoming as I can be in an internet forum. As of last count this AM, The Delta Group has 49 members who have joined, mostly since Monday. We have Harvey here, and his name is on the sight as a Delta Group member!! Many of the recurring $$ is greater than the $20.00, which is awesome. However, literally, no amount it too small, and the Alumni Association is a 501c3 Non profit...so there's the tax benefit angle too. www.soaaa.org #jointhemovement Keith
  18. Harvey - As a representative of the Alumni Association I want to say THANK YOU! You should receive an email stating that you have set up an Automatic Payment. For anyone wanting to join, make sure the "make this recurring" is checked, on the review page, before completing the transaction, make sure that box is still checked...for some reason on the check out page, the recurring box is unchecked, just recheck it and hit submit. I can assure you, the corps is in EXCELLENT hands, and making some strides of which I have never seen. So, thank you...and PLEASE CONSIDER helping, no amount is too small. Regards, Keith
  19. Additional information: Our goal: * To be the most well run support group of any Alumni Association in the activity!! * To be a positive force for the organization by tangible contributions!! * To make a difference!! * To establish financial stability ensuring longevity. * 100% transparency!! How do we accomplish this? Simple…we pool all our money together such that we collectively have more bang for the buck. Many of you commented on how convenient it would be if there were an option to have a recurring monthly donation. Many of us simply cannot afford a couple of hundred dollars in one pop…We heard you!! It makes sense too...for many of us, this option just simply works better based on our current state of finances. This money goes straight to Spirit of Atlanta… It helps Jeff and the board as they begin the process of restructuring. It helps offset debt. Bottom line – IT HELPS NOW!! But, we did not stop there…it gets better! Looking into the future at how we can always be there, and not just in times such as these. Looking at how can we actually help prevent future issues, in addition to fulfilling our mission of being the most well run, transparent and supportive group in the activity. We see additional value we can add…and it packs a punch!! Future function of The Delta Group!: 1) 20% of the quarterly donation is invested into an interest bearing account. Overtime this account will grow. Imagine if we did this 10 years ago?! Imagine where it will in 10 years!! a. Quarterly statements will be provided via Delta Group fb page. 2) 10% of the quarterly donation will be held in reserve for the purpose of: a. To be used as an emergency fund. b. To pay for any bank/transaction associated fees. c. The percentage shall be adjusted lower as it makes sense to do so. 3) The account has oversight from board members on the SoAAA. a. The SoAAA will work closely with the Friends of Spirit BoD. b. Regular updates will be provided to you, and will available upon request. 4) A new Facebook group will be created called The Delta Group!. a. This will not be exclusive to alumni only. b. Anyone who cares to support SoA is welcome. 5) Whenever the corps is in need of assistance, they provide their list to the SoAA and it is posted on The Delta Group! Facebook page. a. If funds are limited, we will vote and agree prior to taking action. b. NOW, you not only know WHERE your money is going, but YOU have a say. c. Best of all, no more mid-tour pleas for help from the road…It’s ALREADY COVERED!! No more, having to scramble on a late Saturday and figure out how much money can you send within the next 24 hours…It’s ALREADY COVERED!! d. The Emergency fund shall be used in cases of unforeseen needs. (Equipment breakdown, medical issues, etc.) 6) As the group grows, we can expand what we do and extend it to the members: scholarships, age out awards, catered food while on the road, etc.
  20. I think as with most corps, save a few of them, money is always an issue. However, what they are doing now, building a base of individuals who can set up a recurring monthly donation of $20 (more if possible, and any amount is good) to build for the future. They are planning on investing money into an interest bearing account, setting aside 10% as an emergency fund and down the road, being able to have a very secure financial model. When you think about it, makes sense as $20 a month is not much at all...
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