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Cappybara last won the day on July 30 2023

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    1989 Phantom Regiment
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  1. LETS ####### GO PHANTOM!!! 4th place!!! Over corps like Crown and SCV! I couldn’t have imagined this 5 years ago, what an insane turnaround. So happy to see them back near the top
  2. And variety. That’s why BD typically takes first in content in visual captions year after year. They demonstrate a technique and move on to the next and do it very well
  3. I’m taking a different approach this year. I have yet to watch a single show this season beyond a very early season run through of BD’s and Phantom’s show. I’m planning on getting my first read of all the shows maybe a week before finals. With that in mind, I look at these scores and see a few things 1. Championship #2 for Bloo. Some stunning consistency across all captions is the BD formula and they have BD seemingly beat on it 2. The stunning resurrection of Phantom Regiment. It would mean the world to me if Phantom got themselves into 4th place this season 3. The demise of Crown brass. I haven’t heard them yet, but if multiple judges are saying it, it has to be true What an interesting season, shame I don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with it closely this summer!
  4. Things are quite civil. A little sarcasm certainly brightens up the dull daily conversations we typically see on DCP I agree, difference of opinion. Slotting is real. But it’s irrelevant to the final placements. The judges are not the same level of expert as you are, unfortunately. Perhaps if they were, we wouldn’t see much changing of placements at all over the course of the season as they’d get it right from the get go.
  5. Congratulations, you’re a prophet. But I’m not sure what’s the point of the two contradictory statements. We can’t assume Mandarins should have beaten Vanguard all season (“all season” just means 3 competitions by the way) but at the same time you predicted Mandarins to take 5th at finals over Vanguard because of their supposedly glaringly obvious superior GE and Visual package. If it’s so obvious to you from less than 3 reads, why wasn’t it to the judges? What do you think happened at the beginning of the 2009 season that caused Phantom to go from competing against the medalists to placing 9th? Did Phantom’s quality drop that badly over the course of the season? Seems unlikely as no show ever gets WORSE over the course of a season. Did the other corps improve THAT much more than Phantom that they dropped as far as they did? Perhaps, but it’s unlikely. On June 26th, 2009, Phantom was only 0.8 points behind the Cavies and 1.2 points behind Crown. Crown went on the finishing 2nd place, finishing 7.6 points ahead of Phantom. Phantom started off that season 6.5 points ahead of Blue Stars and finished behind them by 0.15. That’s a HUGE swing. Do you genuinely believe the Blue Stars improved that much more than Phantom over the course of the season? Did members of BS that season just work harder than Phantom? Of course not. The likely scenario is that judges gave Phantom the benefit of the doubt considering they were the reigning champions and had consistently been placing in the top 5 for years. Once judges got more reads on everyone, they realized this wasn’t the same Phantom corps at all from the season prior and they were scored accordingly as the season went on.
  6. That transition from The 2nd movement to the ballad is classic JD Shaw. Love that they sound like Phantom again! Couldn’t tell you what the heck the show is about (much like every corps fielding a show this year) but I really like this package this year. Probably the most solid one since 2012
  7. Mandarins beating SCV last night for the first time ever after being firmly behind SCV the first few shows of the season is proof that slotting exists, but only at the very beginning of the season. It is irrelevant by the time we hit pre-lims The judges get it right by the time the corps get to Lucas Oil. Another example of this is Phantom Regiment’s season trajectory in 2009. An additional example of this is Phantom placing 1st in percussion in 2010 despite finishing 6th overall as a corps. The judges do take some time to get there, but they ultimately just call it how it is, and some people can’t seem to accept that.
  8. No one asked you to pop in to a BD thread and say “meh” Can’t help myself? Look in a mirror, homeboy. I’m not sure why you thought you were bringing anything of value by commenting that. What did you find “meh”? What aspects are BD missing, in your eyes, relative to other corps? Answer those questions and I’ll believe you’re genuinely just expressing your views about BD’s shows rather than just hating.
  9. You are nothing but consistent, much like the Blue Devils are in their excellence 🙂
  10. That first half sounds so much like an SCV show but very blue devils at the same time. That ballad’s fantastic, the front ensemble is truly a standout
  11. Likely not unfortunately! I have a jam packed summer filled with moving and traveling, and I’m no longer indicated in Indianapolis so getting to finals won’t be easy anymore either I am hoping BD will make it out to the DMV area for some practice so I can come and see them live as I always do
  12. You give me way too much credit! It’s great to see all of you are doing well, looking forward to another brilliant production from BD this year. Sad to see Cadets folding, not sure how long this activity still has but I’ll tune in so long as it’s still here!
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