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Everything posted by johnric

  1. thanks Nancy, we need to keep the momentum going!
  2. ladies and gentlemen, I give you Tommy K. The assistant director of the Bridgemen Alumni Corps!!!
  3. OK I've given away one of my 80's votes to the 1980 27th Lancers!! not a hard thing to do, for a 77 Bridgemen vote!
  4. man this is like the floor of the stock exchange!!! OK LancerFi you got one of my 80's votes for the 1980 27th Lancers in return for that 77 Bridgemen vote! any other people want in here??
  5. Rich, I thought you wanted 86 Devils. This is not potato chips you can only have one! :P
  6. thanks for the info Steph!!! so the push is on!!! 77 Bridgemen baby!! just think maybe 77 Bridgemen and 1980 27th Lancers in the same show? I think I would like that! two eastern powerhouses that have been gone for too long. :)
  7. I must be honest, I have contacted DCI to see if they will allow the 77 Bridgemen to be included. As I stated to them, since this is not about placement or scores but is what the fans want to see, I hope they will allow these votes to count. I am awaiting a response. I think our community needs to see this corps. and its not about the contoversy, its about the effect that this corps had on drum corps for many years to come. While 76 was the year of the coats, 77 was the year that the Bridgemen threw down the gauntlet and said we are not doing this thing the same old way anymore. And they did it really, really well!! I will vote for 77 Bridgemen I hope they let it happen
  8. St Ignatius for me....yeah, yeah I know what your thinking b**bs b**bs but actually St Iggies is my parish. They practiced down the street from my house and I used to lie in bed and listen to them when I was little. I had been playing since I was little but never put the two together. Besides I had no knowledge that boys did this drum corps thing. I eventually met some people through marching band and joined the LI Kingsmen. From there on to the Bridgemen and a life of drum corps. but I still hold a special place for those very cute! but very tough young ladies that I called my friends.
  9. boy o boy you Crossmen will vote for anything with Russian Christmas Music in it! :P
  10. 82 Bridgemen?? what you wanna see dancing girls at a night club? :P
  11. no I haven't changed a bit. i can't get my arms in the sleeves of my jacket!!
  12. I remember you George! thats because you still look exactly the same!!! :P
  13. yeah these guys were pretty good :P (but the hornline could still kick the snot out of em' ^0^
  14. I always wanted a sidekick...hhhmmmm
  15. yeah I think we beat you guys that night. Home town help? you tell me!
  16. George, I loved you guys in 82, unfortunately it took about 3/4 of the season before I got over how different it was and began to enjoy it. Wow that sounds like a desciption of the Bridgemen...go figure!
  17. Leo thats crazy!!!! How dare you say a Bridgemen corps couldn't march well!!! yes I mis spelled another word!!!!!!!! edit,edit,edit,edit,edit
  18. I know we have 12 already but lets just get another 6 K-90's for the euph players in this part... OMG I used to just wish we had enough money to eat dinner. I'll have what he's having!
  19. I'm with you on the Kings...heh...remember when Frank D. took our Olds Ultratones away and made the leads all play the new DEG's? yuck! that lasted one season. then it was GIVE ME MY HORN BACK!!
  20. name calling won't get me to speak!! come on JaDome your such a tough guy, you let a few out!! (and I ain't even toching your other nick name I'll be banned!!)
  21. one thing I think gets over looked about Bridgemen in 82 and 83. These are Scott Chandler color guards! While everyone ooos and ahs over the drum line, the guard was tight in 82 and even more so in 83. If it wasn't for us horn players we'd have done a lot better!!:)
  22. Well I didn't march finals in 81. I never had the experience of a "sound check" in 82. You would think they would have talked to us about this. First note of Shaft and I realize "OMG I am the only horn player that is playing!!!" OMG what have I done??? until the wall of sound hits you smack in the face and for the next 10-15 seconds your just trying to figure out what the #### is happening?? That echo was brutal! You get so used to keeping in time by listening and glancing up at the DM, now your eyes are glued to the DM.. that was a very bad experience. What should have been fun, turned into a stressful situation. AS for SCV I was off by the entrance on the right side of the field. You could hear the phasing. It was still great, but I feel bad for the marching members only because, as I previously stated, what should have been sheer joy, become hard work just to get through it. oh, and Garfield's show that year is still one of my all time favs. The first time I saw it I was like "what the #### are they doing?" but when they got it all cleaned up it was soo good and soo far ahead of anything anyone else was doing. You knew the activity was changing right in front of you.
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