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Everything posted by KVG_DC

  1. This was 100% Cavies being Cavies and it was great. I dunno what they'll do in transition next year but this was a splendid anniversary show.
  2. Who is their percussion writer? I mean heck yeah this pit gets some lovely featuring.
  3. I was road tripping back to DC playing the Allentown tracks in the car with someone who was a drum corps newbie. When we got to that part in the Cavies show she said, "That's a neat drum set solo." I laughed "that's a whole group of people sounding line one person playing a drum set"
  4. AHHHHHHH. They have made this show so fun to watch!
  5. Oh I see. They're white on one side (as I remembered them) and mirrored on the other.
  6. Ok those feather props seem...mirrored now? Have they always been or is it just 1000% times more awesome in LOS? Another "clearly designed for LOS" thing.
  7. Gloria...glorious! Ok Cavies battery, rip my face off.
  8. He's been dropping hints about launching something that'll undoubtedly keep him busy during the summer
  9. They need gas to get the buses back on the tour after calling home after all.
  10. The feels on those faces as they end the journey they've been performing all season.
  11. I loved the Blue Stars Where the Heart is (and probably still do a bit more than this one) but this Colts show has really grown on me.
  12. I feel we are around the same age for some reason...
  13. Also, I'm seeing more mustaches to look older out there... It's the "70s corps members grow a beard" of the new generation.
  14. Has anyone deciphered the touch tones to what number that'd be?
  15. Some are venue addresses on the tour. It sets up the 'this is a show about leaving home and going on tour and coming back' theme
  16. Probably stunned seeing someone in that uniform move so quickly across the field.
  17. Also..thank you for changing the closer flags. SUNBURST!
  18. [fights break out in the stands as people clapping and cheering for BD get whomped at by random people who want to suppress that and then bystanders who feel a lack of clapping is disrespecting the kids join in]
  19. Harmonica, French horn, and trumpet have been nailing that all season. This ballad is just...wow
  20. Oh that backfield shot framing the harmonica soloist in the prop motion with the crowd behind was great though.
  21. Yeah those were clearly designed for the LOS environment. There were places on the tour they didn't quite pop as much but here...golly they looked amazing.
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