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Everything posted by shofmon88

  1. Well, BK threw down tonight. That show has grown massively. The reworked guard, the added voiceover, it all added clarity. It's my favorite show this season. That is not a 9th place corps and show.
  2. I'd like to point out here, as I did in the Blue Knights thread, that BK seems to have nailed electronics balance and dynamic contrast this year. I can't think of any corps that plays, as a full ensemble, as quiet as BK does, which makes their loud moments seem louder (and they are really cranking it this season when they need to). And they do all that without massive thunderous goo (and with 16 tubas). I think their musicality is going incredibly under-appreciated. And yes, their use of electronics in the snare solo (and mellophone solo later in the show) is very innovative, and doesn't cover the rest of the ensemble.
  3. Upon listening to their show again, I had a small realization. The Blue Knights use dynamics better than just about anyone. Their louds are face melting, and their quiets are soft as a feather (they also use silence effectively). And they achieve these levels of quiet while the entire ensemble is playing! And even facing the front. It seems that other corps will either face backfield or use a smaller ensemble for the quietest passages, and while BK certainly does this as well, they absolutely have mastered whole ensemble dynamic contrast. As a brass player, I know how hard it is to play softly with a full sound, so color me impressed.
  4. You are misinterpreting lack of understanding for dislike. I don't dislike their show, I just don't understand it at all, or understand the scores they're getting in GE and visual. That's why I'm asking for explanation. Which no one is really providing.
  5. I got those references, but if that is what they metamorph from, it takes them less than a minute, then they spend the rest of the show doing... something else.
  6. No. But it didn't hold my attention at all. I literally couldn't concentrate on their visual program, and I was trying. There's just nothing there.
  7. What GE? I'm not getting anything that says metaphorposis except for the uniform changes. Can you explain what GE Blue Devils is presenting? I can't see it, so lay it out.
  8. I literally can't see what you're talking about. What visual skills? Examples?
  9. I love the music. I wish there was something to look at visually though. It seems so... slow.
  10. It felt like there was phasing in the opening. Feels like it's dragging a bit too.
  11. My ads are picking up the theme of DCP... posted from the DrumScorps app
  12. There's been plenty of criticism of other corps. Did you miss out on all the Phantom comments? Don't get so offended. I guarentee that if anyone else marched this show, people would still criticize it. It's not the corps they dislike, it's the show.
  13. Are you going to ##### all day, or actually watch some corps on your glorious 106" screen? Give it a rest.
  14. Crossmen have really been working on their brass. Their horns are stronger than a few years ago, by far.
  15. Mandarins have a strong show, but Madison is kicking their butt in brass.
  16. Then quit complaining about the stream problem. It's obviously an equipment issue on your end. Not every content provider is going to match the level of service you desire. So, either take it or leave it, and spare the rest of us.
  17. You must not really understand how upscaling resolution works. Go watch it on something that displays 720p natively, and it's crystal clear indeed.
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