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Everything posted by TubaContraLover05

  1. Well all F tuning is doing is taking the root, adding the 5th, and then adding the third degree of the scale. Very simple, but sounds amazing. I like taking chords and building on them 'beefing them up' if you will. As well as going down or up chromaticaly, raising or lowering each part of the chord each time, which will eventualy come to a resolution. Sometimes I mess around with chords, my favorite is I, V,mV, IV, augmented IV, II, I. B)
  2. Are we just forgetting about BD??? God, they had an amazing contraline this year. I'm with them all the way.
  3. Any links to which we can see the new King? Thanks.
  4. I started playing tuba in sixth grade. One day I saw a few of the older guys watching a video. Turned out to be the championships of that year. Of was too afraid to ask any questions as to what it was. Eventualy, through a ton of different sources I learned about corp, and then about the contrabass. I guess theres just something about it, the feeling of havingso much power on YOUR shoulder. I'm 16 now, and will be marching my first season in 2003 with magic of orlando.
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