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Everything posted by Zerix

  1. And you know what that means? It's definitely NOT us he was talking about.
  2. Can't wait to see the unis. Hopefully they are a bit of old and a bit of new.
  3. I agree with this. Can't know until we start seeing the full programs. But it's still fun to theorize :P
  4. You bring up a great point. Cadets will have a better guard than years past, Crown will have better drums than years past, and Bloo will have a better show than last year (IMO). This brings some extra levels of excitement to the top 5 this year. Who the hell will place? That's the question.
  5. Late to the party again, but daaaaaaamn did they sound and look amazing. I'm so excited for 2016. So excited!
  6. Honest to god, my birthday is the 23rd and we're traveling out to Indy for the show.. and if I hear NOTHING about Bloo, get there and am blown away and surprised on opening night.. I don't think I could ask for better. It's good enough being able to spend that day with DCI but that'd be awesome. It makes it more exciting to me.
  7. Have I ever told you that you're one of my favorite people on DCP. You are always optimistic and never had anything bad to say. Keep doing you, man. Can't wait for some Crown this summer.
  8. Gotta start cutting back on the bacon, man..
  9. Unfortunately, I won't see them till they come to Dayton again.They're usually here twice a year, thankfully.
  10. My three favorite corps are all having a good year this year it seems. Freaking pumped!
  11. Pre-show is definitely on the field for Crown.
  12. Late to the party: But the sound of the bones in Appian... that's gonna be awesome come August.
  13. I can agree that the all cream was a bit bland, but the music made it up for me.
  14. So you would have preferred their black unis?
  15. I really didn't feel that impressed by that. Not as much as I was 2015, or 2014 (at this point in the season). There was something about it that didn't feel BD to me. At all. I don't know how I feel about it and honestly I will reserve all judgment until I see it in person. Interesting to say the least. Best of luck to them regardless. Excellence like that doesn't just happen. I'm sure they will pull it off.
  16. I could talk your ear off for hours about their guard. Guard is a BIG deal in my town, and we have and know a lot of crown performers around us.. they're unparalleled in my opinion. The real amazing work is in the performers but let's definitely not discredit the people behind the scenes.. their guard staff is downright incredible. Then again, so is the rest of their staff.. and here I am on a tangent. See what I mean? Anyway, I loved 2012. It's my favorite show, and every part of it was great to me. Even if it didn't win, it's not about that. It's about what you as an individual like, and 2012 was my perfection. Here's to hoping 2016 takes its place.
  17. Some of the craziest drill I've ever seen though.
  18. My single favorite moment in DCI history is in the 2012 opener. After that I will forever be a Crown fan.
  19. The rest of 2012 makes up for the ballad (not that it was horrible, it just wasn't on par with the rest of the show). Especially the opener.
  20. The soloist is a trumpet player iirc. He on flugelhorn or trumpet? Or is this inaccurate info. Did you catch a video? Glad to hear it sounds good!
  21. I feel like after having read this I don't know if I should take this post seriously or not.
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