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Everything posted by mjoakes

  1. I don't so much mind some of the choreography. But I agree there really is way too much prancing. Gratuitously, it seems. Every tough spin or toss seems to be followed by a fake-smile, circus-like nod to the crowd. (Now after the Blooo wink, followed by the Academy wink and smirk, we're going to be overdosing on that sort of thing next summer.) Also agree what's missing: Plenty of company fronts, but little of it translates to in-your-face horns.
  2. Same here. I listen to some of the classic jazz pieces, music only, and they still register some excitement (though the recording quality varies.) But it's hard to find separate segments in todays' shows that stand on their own. That isn't a complaint, or a whining of past vs. present. Just an observation. As noted before, it's the whole package I like, and the visual is essential.
  3. For me, it's the whole package. Sometimes, music clearly wins out. Other times, music is okay, but the drill or overall design fascinates. Less often, there's a presence - maybe attitude is the right word - on top of music and drill and overall design that is thrilling and that makes me understand why I like drum corps. The 2016 Cavaliers had this presence (again, for me). Maybe, too, Carolina Crown.
  4. A belated "agree" to getting rid of at least the corps is ready thing.
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