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Everything posted by OldSchoolCorps

  1. I was with you on these predictions until I got from 14-16. I just can’t drop Colts out of the 15. I think there is a jump left in them, especially after they clean the uniform change transition they just implemented. I like PC, I just think the battle is between Colts and Academy, pretty much like last year.
  2. It did seem a bit of a rough run for Bloo. Not, when it all comes together though....
  3. I’m sorry, but I’m still cracking up over someone’s description of SCV’s show this year as “Babylon 2: Electric Boogaloo”! I’m sorry, but that has me in tears!!!😂😂🙌🏾
  4. HOLY FREAKIN’ Mellophones Cavies!!!!!!! GEESH!!!!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
  5. Just had some scrambled eggs, with cheddar cheese and rosemary! Yaaaaaaaaassss!!!!!
  6. As you SHOULD be! Absolutely! 😁😁 I’m just a tad biased toward Colts, for some strange reason...😉😉
  7. I really want to dig Mandarins, but the show just doesn’t grab me. Great sound, talented kids for sure.
  8. That would be me!!🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
  9. From what I understand, the uni change was always the plan. They just waited a while to unleash it.
  10. Idk. We will see. Colts seem to be ramping up the intensity on the home stretch. Gonna be fun. From top to bottom, it seems like it will come down to which judges panel ends up in Indy each night.
  11. Let me ask the all important question, since nobody has asked yet.....WHO IS SCOPING TODAY?!?! 😂😂😂
  12. Close, but I think Colts might widen that lead a bit tonight. Pacific Crest will bring it for sure, but I think Colts might have some right left in them. Might even retake the lead over Academy. I’ve been wrong before, though.🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂
  13. Man, I would LOVE if somebody could scope for Colts tonight!
  14. Ohhhh can somebody PLEASE Periscope tonight?! I’ve GOT to see that new ending for Bloo!!!!
  15. I hear you. This is a very real statement. It has come down to Clemson, Alabama, and everyone else. Other teams have to fight like hell just to get a mention. I had a coach once tell me when it comes to success and parity, “It’s not the X’s and O’s, but it’s the Jimmy’s and Joe’s.” Meaning that talent had A LOT to do with a certain level of success. Now, granted, a great system and culture is a major part, but at the end of the day you have to have that talent. In DCI, programs and staff are essential, but you have to have that talent to bring vision to reality. The top corps have a high level of talent, no doubt.
  16. This is cool! I seriously wanted to know kinda the thought process behind leaving a Corps for another that is a finalist. I have heard some that were frustrated because they seem to end up in the same position every year. Then there were some that simply enjoyed the experience.
  17. I totally agree that it is solvable. For sure! Cutting edge staff and creating a culture of excellence is key. I’m just seeing a revolving door in some Corps that struggle and fight the “slotted” tag. To be honest, you can’t really blame a young man or woman that wants to maximize their experience and abilities and try for a finalist Corps. I just really wonder how much being slotted year in and year out has to do with members leaving and trying out for higher ranking corps?
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