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DWW11 last won the day on June 22 2023

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    fan since 1975
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Blue Devils
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Blue Devils Metamorph
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    Every season

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  1. That’s why i have Flo and save up to go to Indy every couple of years. Tired of rainouts in Allentown. It can’t be helped, especially with summer heat storms, but the disappointment is just too much. I feel for you and your son.
  2. Constructive criticism is always fair but i can’t give yours any credence. Sorry, not sorry. To say “standing in place” and “for many years” means you absolutely didn’t watch The Cut Outs last year. Or Tempus Blue, the year prior. Or you watched but didn’t see all of the embedded drill they did. Or you watched and just refuse to credit it. And that is only the last two years. I could go on. they need transition content this year, which always comes last
  3. Am i the only one who thinks we haven’t seen the rest of what happens with the cabinets or horses? I am probably wrong, as i am the one who was SURE they would turn out the light at the end of Ghostlight. I DID, however, see the river coming in Tempus Blue before they actually revealed it..,
  4. I actually love the capes, and i love the way they take them off. I find the effect really cool. And high brass was absolutely appropriate.
  5. I don’t disagree with most of your post. And i get that every corps is tweaking and cleaning. But one thing i DO know about BD is that the judge’s critiques will absolutely be addressed. Many corps insist that they know what works, and stick to their guns. But you can already see some changes in The Romantics. For weeks folka have been complaining about the amorphous blobs. Last night i saw leas blobs and more defined drill. CG content score is too low, but i am sure they are adding drill. When it comes to sorting it out and cleaning, we know they are second to none. i like this Bloo show, which is an absolute first for me. But i give my beloved BD a firm second. And, if they work their magic BD CAN still pull this out. We have seen them do it many times before. enjoy the rest of the season!
  6. Someone blasted me last year when i lamented the pressure they must feel to win. I never said others pressured them, as i am sure they don’t. but self-inflicted pressure is still pressure, and how can they NOT feel it?
  7. This is GREAT. Thank you. but dare i say i think someone has way too much free time in their hands?
  8. The differences in the last set last year, between start and end of season, were major. I expect nothing less this year.
  9. I am glad you looked at that, especially in light of how both BD and Mandarins finished. I had meant to do it myself but the day has gotten away from me a bit. Again, NOT to say that BC and BAC didn’t earn their scores, because i believe they did. But i think subjectivity does favor the familiar. And having already been prompted on what needs tweaking and what is working, those suggestions can only provide an advantage to groups on subsequent viewings.
  10. The Romantics really moved me last night, watching from home. First time this season. BD shows usually uplift me, and make me smile. Last night, however, i felt power, and drama, and beauty. If this show does not get the appreciative scores it SHOULD get, i understand why, but it would be a shame. I suspect the judges are wrestling with this very issue. Despite people saying this is another formulaic BD show, i strongly disagree. This, to me, is exactly what people have been clamoring for. Risky, if not in actual execution, but definitely in concept and tone.
  11. And isn’t that a huge part of the BD legacy? That they drive everyone else to push and grow, so that, if BD doesn’t win, they got beaten by only the very best?
  12. Thank you for this. I agree 100%. This show is NOT my style, so i just watch it for pure enjoyment and see new, mind blowing bits and pieces each time. I WILL add that this is the first BD show that draws my attention away from the CG sometimes, to watch the MM body moves and dance steps. BDCG is at the top of their game here, but the demand on the MM grows so much each year.
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