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Everything posted by Incognito365

  1. I love the drill towards the end. Reminds me very much of old Cadets with what I call "Cookie Cutter" drill. I just need something different than the cluster at the very end, a la Rach Star.
  2. My hopes are that Music City caps off the top 12. A hard road ahead of them to do so, but I hope they pull it off. If anyone falls out, I think it will be Blue Knights, though I haven't seen them since maybe their second time out. I just don't like that show...so much potential is a show called "Vibe" that has went to waste in my opinion...and I really started to love them too after their 2014 show...
  3. If 2019 is any indication, the cleanliness will get there. I'm just afraid they might wait till it's too late to start cleaning.
  4. GE is subjective, and Crown has been ahead in GE all season. I'm not worried that one time a judge didn't see it fit to place them ahead. Crown did technically win all captions, or tied, but they have to start cleaning. Boston has been cleaner, in my opinion, all season long in terms of visual performance. I'm surprised Crown continues to be ahead of them in that caption.
  5. Please tell me you had an issue with the SCV show from 2019, where they used 3 tarps that had no use at all other than blind the judges from their lack of marching that year...because if you have an issue with a piece of cloth being used during a ballad and no issue with SCV 2019, we need to have a talk. Lol.
  6. I've been congratulating Boston all season when they do something like that. Like I said, I like the first half of the ballad, but other than that the show isn't my cup of tea. Lol.
  7. The time to start cleaning is now. If not, they're going to allow BAC to pass them up, and it will be much harder to cover lost ground after that.
  8. Congrats to Boston for shrinking the gap. Crown, you have some cleaning to do if you want to stay ahead. Time to start is right here, right now. I couldn't help myself on that one. Lol.
  9. Thanks! I go for my next appointment the 5th. I thought it was the 7th, the 5th gives me a little more planning time, but if they give me the clear to start walking and driving again, I'm doing everything I can to get to Indy!!! Oh absolutely. Some people...ya know?
  10. 11 posts in and you want to act like this? Yeah, you're going to be the laughing stock of the forum before August 13th. Have a great season though!
  11. At least it isn't sitting there, 3 of them, with glares off the stadium lights. This one is incorporated into the show and has use.
  12. The past few seasons they've cleaned late, including the marching. I get the feeling that won't change this season either.
  13. That is DEFINITELY interesting! At first I was like are they playing underneath of it? And then we changed camera angles.
  14. Thank god someone else said it so I didn't have to for the millionth time this season for the exact same type of comment. Lol.
  15. And typically in a list like that, you would list your favorite first and work your way down, but okay. Not doing this. Go play in someone elses playground with your hateful comments.
  16. Certain movies ruin you for life. Anytime I hear someone say out of order, that's where my mind goes to. Even out of order signs. Lmao.
  17. They sped up the countdown. I like this much better!
  18. Actually, according to your profile, Boston is your favorite. So which is it?
  19. At least I said Boston could beat Crown and not just flat out say "Not going to happen". Sorry, but that's not a bias make. Admitting something could happen is better than living in a delirious world where nothing can happen unless you want it to. 🤷
  20. Absolutely! Royal Purple will always be my favorite. I can't even enjoy the Flo drinking games because of the medication they have me on. No shot for me when a ghost takes over the camera... And why can't it? In their last head-to-head, in the only captions that Boston beat Crown in, guard was behind by .1 and percussion was only down by .3. It can absolutely happen with those margins. Just like with the margins in the other captions Boston could beat Crown. Do I think that will happen? No because Crown has been dominating the captions they've been holding onto all season, even against Bluecoats. Your comment is just your opinion, because anything can happen tonight. My opinion is I believe your bias is showing.
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