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Everything posted by ccklinefelter

  1. Visual proficiency is more of the cleanliness side of the visual section. Analysis is likely more how well it works in context, which really falls mostly on the designers, as opposed to the performers. Although a bad or good performance will still make an impact.
  2. Yeah I think a lot of people got that sort of vibe. The argument for whether it's just not flushed out yet or that it is a fatal flaw is still going on. Also really, most shows don't have drill that has to necessarily match the theme, sometimes more of filler or a transition to get to the stuff that DOES match the theme. I like the drill personally, but maybe that because it's easier to read when the props aren't moving around so much (lookin at you SCV and Bloo).
  3. There's a great jazz song called True North by Mike Dana. There's a lot of good jazz in the ECM style (although this is coming from me, a jazz guy). Also, I agree 100% percent with that low brass statement. They add girth to the sound in a way trumpets and mellos cannot. In my experience, moving down a mouthpiece size is much easier than going up, so it can't have been too difficult for technique, but the tone is a whole different thing.
  4. Or, they can keep the same song (which fits the closer so well) and just add a couple of those crunchy "beast-chords" or something like that. Just to give the same feel as the rest of the show. Then it doesn't feel so tacked on, there's could be more technicality in the line, AND it still matches the overarching theme that Crown is going for.
  5. What happened in 2012 that you didn't like?? I mean, it's BD. They haven't placed lower than 5th since 1974...
  6. Idk if y'all saw, but someone started a thread asking if Babylon would become a legendary show. The thread is called Babylon (wow, that's crazy), you guys should go check it out.
  7. Coming from a BD fan y'all are killin' it in visual this year, as per usual (even with losing in guard to BAC at the Alamodome).
  8. Here's a big question: do you mean legendary in the context of highly-loved, or game-changing? Personally it seems like we have one TRULY game-changing show once every 13 years or so, starting with SCV '89, then Cavies '02, then Bloo '16. These shows really changed the course of the sport. (Also not to dis Star '93, that would definitely be an honorable mention on this list) Then there's highly-loved, like E=mc^2 or Spartacus. Fantastic show, but it didn't really change DCI forever. This is where I think Babylon will fall.
  9. They were 3rd in percussion, behind BD, but only by an inch! Definitely the catchiest perc. book I've heard in a long time.
  10. Lots of traditions in DCI are changing nowadays. For better or for worse
  11. If y'all haven't seen SCV's show this year, I STRONGLY suggest you check it out (if you want a link from the 14th, I have one). Anyways, I'm glad to see Crown in the 90's, and within a point of being runner up. They showed that they are still the alpha-beast (pun intended) in brass, and a competitor in percussion. Although, percussion will be a much tougher fight against SCV, who's percussion has a similar legacy to Crown's brass.
  12. Anyone know where I can find a video of SCV's show recently? I saw some from the early season but I guess they were taken down, and I haven't been able to find any for weeks. I've been itching to see their show now that it's cleaner (and hopefully a better video quality too). Btw I'm rooting for y'all to take it home, anything but BD again
  13. As of right now, Crown and SCV have tied for the highest brass score at 17.90. Bloo was also at 17.90 at St. Louis, but dropped back down to 17.70 over the next 2 days. Crown has a difficult book this year, I doubt that's the issue as of right now. I think the focus on adding new aspects and cleaning throughout the past couple weeks has distracted Crown from working intensively on their brass. There's a good chance that soon the line will shape up into something big.
  14. You're right, I looked at the schedule afterwards and realized. Regionals was just the first thing to come to mind. The day before that I think almost all if not all of the current top 6 will be there.
  15. While people are talking about caution, I agree, caution is your friend here. However, it's still exciting to see Crown jump a good chunk. And even still, the score difference isn't one of those "east coast-west coast" gaps, it's Kansas vs Arkansas. They're neighbors. Crown isn't performing at any shows for the next couple days, so we won't see any solid indications of how they're doing until Southwest Regionals! Can't wait to see how they do
  16. Crown is now within .05 of the Bluecoats, and within .6 of being in the lead! WOW. Their GE went up like crazy tonight, visual as well. I know the rest of the top 6 was at different shows, but still, huge strides. Keep up the good work ladies and gents.
  17. Section 435, Row 2 for me. Kinda glad to be higher up, you can see the whole thing
  18. With that opener... c'mon man. It's those big moments that really draw people in. I never really got into DCI until my friend showed me T/LT, and that closer is what hooked me.
  19. 1. Phantom Regiment 2008 (Spartacus) - 1st Place 98.125 2. Cadets 2011 (Between Angles and Demons) - 1st Place 98.350 3. Carolina Crown 2013 (E=mc^2) - 1st Place 98.300 4. Madison Scouts 1988 (Malaguena) - 1st Place 97.100 5. Cadets 2000 (We Are The Future) - Tie 1st Place 97.650 6. Santa Clara Vanguard 1989 (Phantom of the Opera) - 1st Place 98.800 7. Cavaliers 2002 (Frameworks) - 1st Place 99.150 8. Bluecoats 2014 (T/LT) - 2nd Place 97.175 9. Blue Devils 1994 (My Spanish Heart) - 1st Place 98.400 10. Star of Indiana 1993 (The Music of Barber and Bartok) - 2nd Place 97.300 11. Carolina Crown 2016 (Relentless) - 3rd Place 97.088 12. Cavaliers 2000 (Niagara Falls) - Tie 1st Place 97.650
  20. If anyone has a link to the show from yesterday or can find one for tonight's show when it comes out, I'd love to see it, and i bet a lot of people would too.
  21. Oooohhhh I didn't get to see the show yet but that's pretty cool
  22. Idk pal, maybe they're cleeth... Whatever they are, they appear right now just to be staging as opposed to interact-able
  23. Of course the tissue and ligaments aren't in place, because there's NONE on the bones On a more serious note, there was a video on Flo that confirmed that the props are "teeth and claws" (cut to 1:05)
  24. All this hotel talk... I ran into the issue where I'm under 21. I had to find a hotel that books to 18 y/o's, then within my budget (<$400). Took me a couple hours of searching, but I found a beautiful Red Roof Inn about a 20 minute drive from LOS, $320 for 4 nights. Sadly no breakfast though.
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