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Everything posted by Continental

  1. You have pretty much described a lot of people's lives...pretty much close to everyone.
  2. Jim, how dare you make me think of cake. It's your fault. I want chocolate cake
  3. My favorite cake is "Chocolate Retort," Because it's cake. And it's chocolate. And it's cake. And it's delicious.
  4. We have a choice as we become older. We expect people to align to our beliefs or we trust our own and don't really care what others think. We also don't want to be part of an argument because the final outcome is no longer important. From everything you've posted, you've been through the firestorm and come out quite well. Your honesty is really appreciated.
  5. Jim, I've watched this place a long time. You are anything but "sensitive" when it it comes to the usual banter on here. I appreciate your honesty and trust your genuine heart-felt comments on here. In fact, I think you've become a lot more feisty lately with your counter arguments. Please keep posting.
  6. I wonder how much bullying occurs. I had a friend who marched a Top-12 corps in the '80s who was having trouble with a newly inserted guard move. The guard captain got frustrated when they couldn't master it and wacked them in the back with a flag pole. I know times are different now and I hope the effort to be the best that you can be no longer allows for a response like that.
  7. Please define what you are referring to with the "human nature" reference
  8. 1985 Garfield - High Cam from Semi Finals.
  9. Short-term forecast for this thread: This afternoon - Stormy This evening - Continued periods of stormy Tomorrow's forecast - Closed
  10. Wasn't Don Angelica also with Rondinaro in the broadcast booth? I can't find a video of his comments after SCV performed, but one of them was along the lines of "not all the "i"s were dotted" in their performance. I wish I could find the clip. Who did Brandt announce High CG for initially?
  11. One of my favorite things about '85 Freelancers was the way they could alter the color on the front of their uniforms using multiple folding flaps. I thought it was really effective. They also had a member of the pit that looked a lot like Princess Diana.
  12. As a society we evolve and we reevaluate. Some of society at least. The danger lies in not being able to do so and to continue to make the same mistakes.
  13. Thank you for the update. Their statement is interesting in that aside from the show performance time change, it seems like they intend the season to progress. That being said, how many units are going to take the risk of camp/rehearsal time in this new world at this point? Then when they get to that point, there are the logistics of travel and housing to deal with. To quote a movie "If you build it he will come" may be "If you build it they probably won't come." Then again, maybe BOA's strategy will help DCI in 2021.
  14. We have existing friends/family or make new friends that we want to expose to the activity. We want them to understand exactly why we like this. It does not always happen. So often the appreciation for the skill/musicianship is lost. Video reactions like this feed into that interest in having people appreciate an activity that we love Courtney reacts the way we want our friends/family to react.
  15. Looked a bit more into her background, she's living in Japan, American fiance (American military). Was supposed to move to US, but fiance decided he wants to live in New Zealand. DCI is a small portion of what she looks at. Of marching videos, there is a Japanese band that was in the Rose Bowl that has the most views - by far. Her DCI views are much smaller than her sports reviews and some others.
  16. Vanguard '85. It didn't win. It didn't have to. The show was monumental and so Vanguard. To this day one of the most beautiful ballads on the field - Grover's Corners. There are no pyjamas, there are no props. It's just Vanguard.
  17. Our marching band had instructors from Michigan in '83. That year they told us to watch out for Cavaliers, they would soon be a force to reckon with. Sorry for how choppy the following video is, it's the only one I can find right now. I love how different the guard writing is. It adds so much to the quality of the program. https://youtu.be/Qw_5SANyOFE
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