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Everything posted by mwetzel1

  1. That is what I thought I communicated. By the way I just got an answer from DCI about this. "The directors have decided that the highest of the two scores will be counted." Thanks for the question, Sue Mike
  2. If they added all scores Madison wins. If they added just the afternoon score Madison wins. The only way Boston could get in was if they just added the evening score for both. It it is an average of scores then Madison should have goten in. My only complaint is they averaged just the afternnon score. But Madison would be int it if they included the evening score as well. Madison's average with both scores 82.9 Madison's average with afternoon score 83.2 Boston's average 82.8 Mike
  3. DCI only included the afternoon score for the Scouts, that is the only way I can come up witht he number they give. It does not make adiffernce over Boston as long as they at least inluded the afternoon scores. If they had gone by evening scores, then Boston would have made it. The interesting thing is I emailed DCI last week and asked what scores they were going to include, and they did not answer. They sem to change every year. Thanks, Mike
  4. I guess Sal won. DCI has rankings on their website. Madison is 8th Mike
  5. It is my understanding that they only use the evening scores.
  6. I hope you are correct. I believe only once since they have gone to this format have corps from the afternoon finished in the top 8 at the evening show, and that was the year Glassmen really struggled, but were seeded due to the previous year. Mike
  7. Since we have gotten to a point that design really is the most important issue of Drum Corps, I have a novel idea. Why don't we allow the design gurus to run the computer animation of the show, complete with music. The judges can then decide who wins. Then we could have judges that would judge the performance of the corps, paying more attention to the performance instead of the design. Another possibility would be to have all of the design team have the same age requirments as the corps. Let me know what you think. Mike
  8. The problem is going to be for the four corps that did not get the benefit of seeding this weekend for San Antonio: Blue Knights, Madison, Glassmen and Spirit. Since the scores typically fall between the afternoon and evening shows, it will be diffilcult for any of these corps to make the top 8 average, even though Madison is currently 7th. Boston will probably claim that last spot. Mike
  9. To further your answer, it is generally between two and three points lower. Mike
  10. At least 4 corps will perform twice on Saturday at San Antonio. Will they count both scores for their weekly average, or just one? Thanks, Mike
  11. Since DCI is using this format to choose seedings, I thought I might list them for currenrly 7/16-7/18 1. Blue Devils 89.575 2. Cavies 87.8 3. Phantom 87.3 4. Bluecoats 87.175 5. Cadets 85.95 6. Carolina Crown 83.15 7. Madison 82.675 8. Santa Clara 82.6 9. Boston 82.0 10.Glassmen 81.8 11.Blue Knights 81.45 12.Spirit 79.75
  12. But with the way DCI does the scoring average for a week, the scores are so important. The top 8 get to go to the show in Tennessee. Every show with all of the top competition is big.
  13. BD is in a different league from the others. A win by 2 points at least. Mike
  14. You are not the only one. But they perform incredible. Mike
  15. In his blog, Hop comments on the judges. Specific on visual and guard. This goes to what many say on here, it is simply the opinion of the judge. Corps can be very close in everything, execution, design and performance. Two different judging panels would not be consistent with each other. It is there opinion, not fact. They have criteria, but it is still extremely diffilcult. Add the biases that we all have, of what we like and don't like, (some like vanailla ice cream, some prefer chocolate) how do you determine which is better? Reward the kids with your cheers.
  16. Actually it has been both the top five and top six that made the PBS broadcast. 1974 was the first year of the broadcast and they showed the top six. After that they showed the top twelve until somwhere in the 80's. By 1988 it was the top five. Mike
  17. The recap is 85.525, but clearly announced as 85.6. What is going on? Thanks, Mike
  18. This has probably already been mentioned, but why was there score announced as an 85.6 when the recaps have an 85.525? Were there any other changes from the announced scores to recap? Thanks, Nike
  19. I think Madison in 1974 was undefeated until finals. Corpreps list the Muchahos beating them early in the year, but I beleive that is a mistake. Maybe someone can correct me, but I did not remember them losing at all that year until finals. Mike
  20. 1 The Cadets 82.550 2 Phantom Regiment 80.650 3 Boston Crusaders 76.850 4 Crossmen 71.750 5 Southwind 66.300 6 The Magic 60.850
  21. According to the website for the show, scores were to be announced at 9:33. Were there any delays? Thanks, Mike
  22. 1 The Cavaliers 81.800 2 Bluecoats 80.150 3 Madison Scouts 75.400 4 Colts 71.550 5 Blue Stars 67.700 6 Capital Regiment 65.700 7 Pioneer 56.400
  23. Yes there was. There was also a time that a corps could finish 4th, 5th or lower and still win a caption. Mike
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