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Everything posted by DORCHESTER GUY

  1. 1970 VFW Nationals, Miami Beach. Boston Crusaders booked into the Sovereign Hotel, directly on the beach, near Fountain Bleu, Eden Rock, etc. Evening concerts by the pool with hundreds of people listening from their balconies, and the Corps absolutely on fire. The drum line, however, had our own accommodations across the street at the Broadripple, because the Sovereign had over booked. The Broadripple's regular clientele were local "professional" women. The rookies were required to run nude laps around the pool whilst the snares took turns at target practice with cold water from the garden hose. The rest of us enjoyed frosties under the palm trees.
  2. Did you ever hear Boston's version of Hatikva? The New York & Jersey crowds went wild. Happy New Year.
  3. MF was born May 4, 1928, making him only 77. My source is Wikepedia, the same place I found the definition of pedagogy. How's it going CODI?
  4. They should have broken 90. That corps was a gas, and their show was magnificent. Certain other corps which shall remain nameless engaged in the greatest waste of talent I've ever seen. I can only wonder what the parent volunteers really think when they watch some of the crap that makes it onto the field. Such a deal: volunteer, pay big bucks for your kids, then pay a pompous staff to engage in self-indulgence within the DCI mutual admiration society. Thanks Santa Clara, Phantom, Scouts, Blue Coats, Glassmen (yes, Glassmen), Crusaders, Spirit, Blue Knights, and Carolina, for putting the performers and the fans before your staff egos.
  5. I have heard that story from older friends whose drum corps recollections are 100% reliable. As for the Roosevelt Stadium refreshments, my personal recollection from the 1968 Dream was that it was Knickerbocker. I and some of my Dorchester & Southie friends put quite a few away while watching that show after our performance. I think the old gentleman who delivered them was also named Roosevelt. One of my greatest drum corps memories is watching SAC sparkling in the sun that day, whilst sipping a frostie. The beer/sun mixture made for a very interesting retreat. Good thing SAC was between us and Lucy's.
  6. The Poughkeepsie Pacers were enjoyable in the late 60's. They always seemed to be at shows in Connecticut when BAC appeared there. Of course the corps we miss most would be the Flushing Toileteers. They were almost as good as the Falmouth Flounders and the Islington Lizzards from Massachusetts.
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