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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Bluecoats 1982-1988 & 2022 Alumni Corps, Royal Lancers Sr - 1991, Bushwackers Sr. - 1995, Kingston Grenadiers Sr (Staff) - 1997
  • Your Favorite Corps
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Bluecoats 1987 - 1st time in Finals baby
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    1986 & 1987 - it was fun to finally be competitive and beat corps we had only looked up to before
  • Location
    Chantilly, VA
  • Interests
    Drum Corps - duh<br>Big Band Swing - check out www.bluemoonbigband.com<br>Golf and other sports

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  1. everybody forgets that when one corps is cleaning the other corps aren't just standing around with their thumbs up their bums. they are also cleaning too.
  2. so if two or three judges happened to see the drop and all marked it on their sheet as a penalty then a corps could have actually been penalized .3 for one drop?
  3. it's interesting that there is talk that this could be Bluecoats year for their 2nd Championship title and once again they are wearing mostly white in the corps proper and mostly yellow in the guard.
  4. 1990 Bluecoats and Crossmen 'Caravan'
  5. 1988 Bluecoats & BD 'Old Black Magic" 1989 Bluecoats & BD 'Johnny One Note'
  6. I think it was a high school stadium, but it was hot and a long time ago, so I could be wrong. all I know is our staff got us right off the buses and started practice when we arrived at like 7am. when cavies pulled in they were laughing at us cause we were up practicing so early. they went into the school to sleep. when they were coming out to practice in the heat of the day and we were going into the school to sleep during the heat of the day we were the ones having the last laugh.
  7. what would happen if PR passes Crown and drops em to 5th tonight? can imagine the ruckus the crownie fans would be making
  8. i don't think we were in S. Louis in 87, but we were there in 88. We were in Jonesboro Arkansas in 87 and those double breasted wool uniforms we wore did not make anyone happy in that heat.
  9. and everyone wonders why the corps have gone to a more lightweight, comfortable, and hatless uniform. try doing the stuff they do in this heat wearing a heavy uniform and a hat keeping all the heat in.
  10. not based on scores from last night which tied troopers into the midwest scores. based on spreads between troopers and PR, Troopers and BD, & PR and Bluecoats. Looks like Coats should be at least 1 point ahead tonight. That is if judging and spreads are consistent from show to show and BD doesn't get extra points because of their trophies
  11. Yeah they tend to do that with their video releases and such, they put in little easter eggs that don't really get noticed until the show is announced and then everyone realizes that those little nuggets were giving away everything if you just figured out what they were.
  12. I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be George Washington not Napolean as the tune was about America...lol
  13. you are talking about the designer who worked with Academy a few years back. not sure if she is still with them or not
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