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Everything posted by SnareSoulO

  1. I'd Guess that Cavies have about 8-10 full rehearsal days till Indy. I'm guessing they'll pull a 107.50 at finals
  2. As a member of the drumline this year I can say that the opener this year is AWESOME to play with the hornline. Some seriously tasty beats. It's kinda tuff to get a good read from behind the hornline but what I could tell (even at the stage of a first complete ensembal run-through), the stadium in Rochester better not be close to a cemetary because we might have a sudden influx of ghostly activity around the stadium!
  3. OK 9 pages and nobody's mentioned 1992 SCV. Give a listen to the mello's durring the bottle dance.. and from their knee's! Those guys we're blowin the house down!
  4. This is very 1986 BD esque. They scored a 97 at Denver... 8 days before finals
  5. My source IS reliable... and unless you have evidence that contradicts it I stand by my post.
  6. Well with this many views I would think someone in the know might have added a response. I have a reliable source that tells me that SCV will have on-board this year both Thom Hannum as a consultant to try and bring back some of the great "sound" that seems to have dwindled a bit in the last decade. My reference to 17 years ago was meant to be aimed at the 1987 Garfield Cadets whose sound and quality were (IMO) unmatched before and only 1 time since in the Star 93 line, both if which Mr Hannum was a key component. As a side note I have also heard that Rob Chavarez is the cymbal tech this year.... anyone who knows Rob can count on 04's cymbal line being on a different level than mortal humans. b**bs As I said before this is not confirmed information. Kev
  7. I have heard through the grapevine that something remarkable is in the works this year with the SCV drumline that may help that line transcend through the already remarkable standard that they have set in recent years. It has to do with the staff this year. If this can be confirmed it will be the best news I've heard in the last 17 years for drummers. Kev
  8. thanks miglrah, I can get to the site now, but anything I click on gives a error 404 message.. is this temporary?
  9. Anyone know if the drum line parking lot site is going to come back up or am I back to seeKing it out piece by piece on the net? Kev
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