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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. it's all in love dude. and seriously..amps would be fine. the problem is, you open that door, and many more get opened beyond it
  2. fired by WGI? never heard this. names? reasoning for termination?
  3. it's good so far, but there is way too much season left to truly tell. i expect a lot more leap frogging the next few weeks can elevate it, but if that leap frogging is all from 2 on down, it will take away from how good it could be
  4. part of that mentality is just how a lot of the world thinks. they more techno gadgets you have, the better you are. i have friends who laugh because i dont have an iphone...guess what...i dont need one. my cell does what i want it to. but the more up to date with technology you are, the perception is you're "cool" and thats the trap drum corps is falling into
  5. not specifically on here, tho it has been mentioned here. but on other forums such as TOB and MBP
  6. holes are poked at rationales used to get it passed and then never come to light Mike.
  7. clarification: i didnt know them. nor did i know the kids mocking Cadets show loudly at Allentown last summer i did know several of the adults laughing at Cadets in the theater and puking when Crown sang in 2004
  8. i agree 100%. we were pormised great new sounds and ideas...and we havent really seen them. and again, we're told these designers have expertise using this stuff in the band world....yet we dont see what we see there
  9. right, but the broad brush only works in most arguments
  10. well...let me ask you a simple question. if you loved something and spent thousands of dollars on it...and suddenly it changed drastically into something you dont like...would you keep paying to see it? i didnt want to stop going to dci shows the years i stopped. but i couldnt see spending that kind of money to see stuff i knew would #### me off. last year, i gave it a shot, liked it for the most part more than I had since the late 90s and gave it a shot this year. so far, i'm not sold on what i see enough to commit to next year. but...did DCI actually go out and ask kids if this is what they want? or did a bunch of adults who think they know best do it anyways? because, when DCI was on deaths door in the mid 90s, they didnt ask anyone..they went about their way...and finally when they realized 11,000 people at finals was embarrassing, changes started coming
  11. 87---great shows top to bottom 92....so good. 99 so close, but i had to go with 92 and this decade, 2002
  12. $50-70 is cheap for a finals ticket!!! but the one time fee...discounted for Fn subscribers...is a great thing to explore. face it, with finals being in one place forever, you wont pull in the regional die hard fans that go just cause it's in the East...or the West. many of those folks dont travel
  13. ah i didnt look at the dci schedule beyond Allentown. my guess is if the sponsor has a few bucks to throw to a corps, why not
  14. yet SOA DCI has done NO marketing to reach out to kids to see if this is what they really want. and lets be honest...while kids are the future members, the ##### in the seats that spend THOUSANDS of dollars on drum corps...tickets, cds, dvds, sponsoring kids....are that audience george so loves to put down anytime he can
  15. the Big Ten Network is set up exclusively to benefit the Big ten and only the Big Ten. and here's the problem with trying to reach for the unknowns on broadcast tv: the risk. Honestly, the only way to really get first time viewers is a big network, one of the traditional biggies. they have the advertising pull to draw them. most stuff on cable comes from word of mouth, or the studio is willing to pay the costs to advertise the hell out of it in print and tv to get some attention. can DCI afford to pay for advertising in every major paper, network tv, talk shows etc for something on a "back" cable channel? no. the risk/reward factor to pull in newbies is far more risk than DCI can afford and any network is willing to gamble on
  16. exactly. and let's be honest...DCI isn't going to bring in 2 million homes. i think at best it brought in 400,000 on ESPN. thats not going to draw in blue chip advertisers
  17. well yes, because DCI is the member corps. why vote something in if you dont want it used en masse? even more so, like with amps, why put it on the sheets? if its on the sheets, not having it could be that one little area that keeps you from going to the top. drum corps has always been about keeping up with the joneses. when one corps starts getting new toys, all the others do too. when one corps starts using asymetrical drill, so does everyone else. one corps ground tympani, so does everyone else. the list goes on and on. to not use the new stuff is perceived to be bad, and DCI, being the member corps, allows that perception to flourish in their marketing of said new toys
  18. for some odd reason, i read about the business side of media a lot.....and i work in mortgages LOL but the key here is $$$$$$$$$$ a live broadcast over a national network is not going to be cheap. You need big time advertisers to help pay for that. Pearl, Yamaha, Dynasty...not big time advertisers. Neither is Aerobed. plus, in advertising for network broadcasts, its all about the demographics. ok so dci wants to grab that 14-30 year old audience most likely. they've made it clear the youth is in, screw us old ( at 40) farts so....who would you target? movies due out soon that appeal to that age group video games ipods/iphones/anything techy retail clothing stores geared to that group...gap, old navy, nike, under armour fast food snack food makes sense right? but..has DCI tried to work with them? or go in hand in hand with BOA? because, i can pretty much bet the people running those companies have no clue who DCI is
  19. of course it's not mandatory. its just that everyone uses amps and Bb now....but it's optional
  20. if you read it, you may understand where we come from, which may help change your replies
  21. the cost of Reba outweighs the cost of drum corps. guess what...where were the ads when it was on ESPN? those businesses you listed know nothing of drum corps and wont take the chance. and why they dont know? because drum corps never tried to market them
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