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Everything posted by Drum_Freak11

  1. Home Depot whit electrical tape works great for me.
  2. 96 was rocking. I got the 93 and it was worth it.
  3. All the guys want the bottom bass chicks cuz they are in the best shape.
  4. Iv watched and re-watched the DVD's with the drum judge commentary. Vanguard had a sub-par performance. I have seen clips of them from earlier in the season and they were much cleaner than finals night. There were little ticks here and there. Some of it was that they were drumming with such a fire, that they started causing dirt. i think their book was way better than the Cadet's(believe me, I am so sick of the reefed paradiddle-diddles) and it had a lot of tasty stuff, but also take into account that the Cadets just plain threw it down. I don't think I have heard a cleaner tenor lick. They had an amazing night and completely deserved that trophy.
  5. I really do not like the smaller sized drums. It is really obnoxious to work with the 8' drum. Ever since I played on the large sized drums and felt how much more comfortable they are to play on, I have despised our schools small sized drums.
  6. Daugherty's music has always been really fun to listen to. Our school did Niagra falls in 2002. I kinda wish we had a better line back then though.
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