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Everything posted by mrtrumpet86

  1. Man...this is so exciting! Even so, I might be able to bring more...
  2. We had such a GREAT open house! So many people showed up and the music makes me want to practice! Can't wait for the next camp!
  3. Bob, do I get to know what this year's show is because I finally got a haircut?
  4. Good to have you back Scott...even though I probably won't get in the way of your guard pow-wows at your house this year.
  5. That was, in fact, our great brass caption head, Joe Exley, who isn't very large, but is still an AWESOME tuba player.
  6. Well I think it's awesome that we'll have so many people that there will be competition for instruments. I'll bring my own just in case.
  7. OK...back on topic: If it's the beginning of the season, the cavies. If it's finals, the Cadets. The Cavies' 02 show was easier and quicker to read, and their show design seems like the staff wanted the show to be able to do well quckly, then they would focus on perfecting the performance (hence the undefeated season). On the other hand, the Cadets this past year had so much GE in their show that they couldn't fit it all in in the first few shows. Also, they couldn't sell the show to the judges as quickly as the Cavies could. It took the judges a while to understand the show, but one they did, they rewarded them for complex but well executed concept and exceptional performance.
  8. That would be SWEET! I love watching cymbal players practice!
  9. There's a Santa smiley?! OK: on topic now....I think the fans will win. I think a great DCA year is upon us.
  10. I think the last corps to repeat was Boston doing Bolero in 200 and then in 2003. I don't think a corps has repeated in 2 consecutive years for a while.
  11. Hey Bob...for deciding not to go off to junior corps for this year, do I get to know what the show music will be? please?
  12. I knew I made the right decision deciding to come back. It was dumb to even think that I would go elsewhere this year.
  13. I'm gonna say Phantom's tuba line from this year. They were exceptionally clean, even with difficult parts and a larger line than usual.
  14. That was the greatest mismatch horn line I've ever played in. That was a fun show.
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