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Dan H.

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  1. Four? I know this year and last year were washouts. 2008 was a little rainy. What went wrong in 2007? I don't remember problems offhand. I can say this hasn't been a very lucky show. I don't care where the money goes; I just had to eat 25 bucks. I'm not even a Cavaliers fan anymore, so I don't care that much if they get part of it. Just sucks to lose that money.
  2. Well, as long as the music is powerful, melodic, musical, not just sounds that happen to be made in between synchronized dance routines.
  3. Saw that PR was playing Michael Kamen, not someone I'd expect them to play. Does this still feel like a traditional Phantom show?
  4. But she would rather play bingo and smoke than be with her grandchildren?
  5. Ah yes, the "Boring Our Way Into Your Heart" shirt. Ironically, the Glassmen have had some of my favorite shows for the last four years now.
  6. Michigan City is closer to Chicago than Indianapolis. That's a strange place to put the show.
  7. Mussorgsky - Promenade from Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky - Night on Bald Mountain Shostakovich - Galop Khachaturian - Sabre Dance Wagner - Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral Yeah, it's basically Classical For Idiots, but I don't care.
  8. As many as possible. Fold "Blast!" and put Star back on the field. I don't even know what their uniform looked like. I never got to see the vaunted Bridgemen in their yellow coats. 27th Lancers, Freelancers, and Sky Ryders have cool names, and I've heard my dad's old bootleg tapes of them, and enjoyed them. I don't know Guardsmen or North Star. VELVET KNIGHTS MUST RETURN RIGHT NOW. What an awesome corps.
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