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Everything posted by JMS0527

  1. I can't help but wonder.... The currently mentality among many of the corps (and many on here) is, "Well, we'll lose the x fans, but they'll be replaced by the y fans." Wouldn't the corps ultimately be better off if they attracted the y fans AND kept the x fans, too?
  2. If last year was any indication, Indy's angle will be pretty much like San Antonio's
  3. Explain to me how amplification of the human voice is "moving forward."
  4. And, you assume incorrectly... I heard them on the video snippets last summer. I heard them on finals night. I've even tried giving them a chance on the DVDs. It makes my skin crawl. As does whistling, as does a girl saying something that doesn't even sound like English, as does "drumspeak"..... "Yowza!" b**bs
  5. You seriously...I mean seriously....need to send this as an email to DCI Very well put
  6. A microphone is being used....I don't care what the human voice is doing with it... They're using a mic...I don't care what they CHOOSE to do If they want to CHOOSE to get my money and support, they better CHOOSE to knock off the human voice through the mic. I heard nothing resembling excellence in Crown's use of the mics....singing, beat poetry....nope
  7. Whether they deserved 6th or not, that's going to be one torked off hornline...and, they perform tonight
  8. You mentioned the point of comparison....they're doing it through a microphone I don't want to hear a human's voice through a microphone...it annoys the #### out of me....THAT'S the point of comparing them
  9. Kind of hard to enjoy a Phantom drill after the stamp of someone like John Brazale... Gotta wonder what kind of drill he'd have written post-1992
  10. All of their transitions consist of narration....there really isn't much going on musically at these points...that's a detriment... Plus, after their opening statement....after the first musical pause....they really need to take off at that point (musically, rhythmically, energetically)...and they don't From the standpoint of musical tension, the show doesn't develop very well at all.
  11. No other leg to stand on... Where have I heard that before?
  12. That's what it's mean to be, and, yes, it's cool.... If you haven't heard their '91 show, do so....same thing (faster tempo though)
  13. David, By calling them "labelers," aren't you, in turn, labeling? :P
  14. GE may be 40%, but only half of that is in music...so, music performance is worth more
  15. So, yet again, if there's a similarity, they're slotting. If there's a big discrepancy, we have the plot for the next Ludlum novel
  16. After listening to the percussion judge tracks the last 2 years, I've noticed that you can hear more ticks on the field than you can from farther away.... Could it cause that big of a discrepancy? I think so...
  17. Different perspectives....one right in their face, the other up high What I don't get is how it's such a big deal that there's a discrepancy... The #2 judge (the Ensemble Perc judge as far as I'm concerned) is always exposed to what the pit's playing, whereas the field judge is not really going to hear the pit when he's right in the face of the battery playing ffff. For the Ensemble Percussion judge...different perspective, hearing all elements simultaneously...yeah, the scores will be different
  18. They just let the sounds.........be They were a single musical entity...and, they repeated the feat last year...even more convincingly actually
  19. Boy, the closest I can come to an answer would be the 2000 Cadets...to me, they sounded like they were on auto-pilot for a big chunk of the show. I've felt that way since my first viewing. I used to be very vehement about this one...that the Cadets should've been 2nd. I based it on GE Music (see auto-pilot above) and the fact that I didn't think the Cadets had the Cavies in Ensemble Visual. Then, I realized that, unfortunately, Tom Blair chose some of the Cadets' dirtiest Ensemble Visual moments to go to high cam on the original live telecast. After watching it on high cam, I no longer think Debbie Torchia was wrong in scoring the Cadets ahead of the Cavies. With that in mind, I don't really carry the opinion, anymore, that the Cadets were undeserving of the title...I just like the Cavies better that year. I know that many disagree with me, but I feel that the Cadets' show that year was a bit overrated. It's my least favorite of their 8 championship-winning shows. That's really the closest answer I have to this thread. By the way, I hear plenty of emotion in the Cavies 2002 show...especially during Harmony. I think I'll listen to it now
  20. Tristan, what makes it somewhat tolerable is the fact that his narration is extemperaneous....he makes it sound like he's saying something off the top of his head. It doesn't sound "read"...something that Boston was guilty of last year (along with the most empty-minded drivel). Great review :) Krista, you've spelled several words wrong in the course of this thread :P
  21. The mods are gonna have fun closing all this crap down
  22. Where announcement of scores is concerned, I would put '92 before '96...crowd just went nuts when Star was announced in 3rd...barely got quiet enough to hear the Cadets in 2nd... If we count negative responses...well, in '99, the crowd sounded like they were going to riot... I'd imagine '87 was pretty loud when Santa Clara was announced 2nd...haven't heard that one though
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