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Everything posted by Danpod

  1. Blue Knights could hit the 90 mark! Pretty please?? :)
  2. I'm hoping that first post was sarcasm. The kids in drum corps spend a lot of time away from home and a lot of money to NOT give up and to push themselves beyond their expectation. The Blue Knights have a solid show right now. The original composition is quite refreshing. The music and visual sides of the show give a little something for everyone (Jazzy section, drum break, powerful closer) I guess it's coming together for them.
  3. Yeah, I am a little worried about it myself but the staff is amazing so I'll just help myself to some Pizza Hut while they work their magic. I love the camera angle though! I wish it were dead center like that at the San Antonio show last weekend.
  4. A tie for twelth would be awesome! I know we have the ordinal system to settle a tie for first place but does the same system apply in case of a 12th place tie???
  5. It IS late, even for Central Time. I agree with you, it'll be on the DVR :)
  6. They won't fall out of the top three. The show can only get better and I'm getting chills just thinking about what changes they can make to the show! I refer you to The Blue Devils 2005 Repetoire....... Musical Selections for the Marathoners include.... But not limited to: Redline Tango - by John Mackey Brother Can You Spare A Dime - by Jay Gorney and EY Harburg Prelude, Fugue & Riffs - by Leonard Bernstein On The Town - by Leonard Bernstein In Wartime - by David Del AND .. a variety of dance music I wouldn't be surprised if the show went on until DCI Staff had to physically remove The Blue Devils from the field :)
  7. How I did mine......at three o'clock in the morning: Mix it up so that it won't be an 8th place through 1st place deal. Did I mention it was 3 A.M.??
  8. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. It's one thing for corps to send out emails to their online subscribers to advertise the Murfreesboro competition. That's not enough to cause any real trouble. It's a completely different thing to manipulate the voting poll in numbers of thousands or tens of thousands. Whoever did this has some real issues. I love drum corps just as much as the next guy and I love the opportunity for fans to actually pick the order of the corps but regardless of the results, the show is still going to kick a ton of ###. It just sucks that DCI had to scrap the idea the day before results were to be released. Bots bite :(
  9. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. It's one thing for corps to send out emails to their online subscribers to advertise the Murfreesboro competition. That's not enough to cause any real trouble. It's a completely different thing to manipulate the voting poll in numbers of thousands or tens of thousands. Whoever did this has some real issues. I love drum corps just as much as the next guy and I love the opportunity for fans to actually pick the order of the corps but regardless of the results, the show is still going to kick a ton of ###. It just sucks that DCI had to scrap the idea the day before results were to be released. Bots bite :(
  10. I think both are....... Along with a bunch of other stuff not specifically mentioned in the repetoire. "Musical Selections for the Marathoners include.... But not limited to:" It just might be insanity on the field for the Blue Devils this year
  11. I just saw the Magic 2002 one. I don't know how I missed that but when I saw it, my eyes started watering :(
  12. I guess that explains the silence just after the 'shroom cloud. Well, the cloud explains it too but you get the point.
  13. Just a few...... Cadets 1995 - Two wipeouts trying to make the company front about half way through the show. Suncoast Sound 1988 - Was it just me or was that "Memorial" a little lop-sided? Maybe someone can clarify, please.
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