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Is Mass Brass going Div 2?

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I have to agree with the good Captian on this one. Your fellow soprano players in a certain New Jersey Alumni corps would not understand any deviation from drinking beer, standing still and wailing. This could possibly break the fond bond that has grown between us. Stay true to the cause. Dear Captain I thought you were the Minister of Propaganda? Did someone take your title away and start some unfounded rumors?


Self Appointed Minister of Communication

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That is a very astute observation you made. I will leave youz guyz like Joe Thorton left the Bruins. Like that ground ball that left Buckners glove. Like the World Series that slipped thru your fingers in 67 and 75. I will dump you guys like tea in Boston Harbor, dump you as if I ate

Boston baked beans and Dorchester shrimp.

On the other hand............................................................................


As a "Knighted" ( no pun intended ) honorary member of Mass Brass................................

SAVE ME A SPOT IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That is a very astute observation you made. I will leave youz guyz like Joe Thorton left the Bruins. Like that ground ball that left Buckners glove. Like the World Series that slipped thru your fingers in 67 and 75. I will dump you guys like tea in Boston Harbor, dump you as if I ate

Boston baked beans and Dorchester shrimp.

On the other hand............................................................................


As a "Knighted" ( no pun intended ) honorary member of Mass Brass................................

SAVE ME A SPOT IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You KNOW the rule...you gotta EARN it!!!

(Of course, we are openly accepting of bribes, gifts and gratuities so you probably wouldn't have a problem...btw, if we do go pro, can I get a release from the spiritual director of BSGK to tour with another corps? After all, Coulson and I practically DID do as many gigs as Hall of Fame Hayward did and HE'S a member!!! :P ) We'd hate to have to sit out a year, old skool style...

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I am not sure I can answer your question. I think it might have to go to a higher authority. I say ask Kevin, he is all knowing in matters like this. But I will say this............................................................................


Make sure you and The Captain Of Castille are ready for Plymouth as it is a mere 4 months away. I will be happy to march next to you again wearing the Black and Gold. And this time bring the other 3 who were missing last time. This will go a long way in obtaining that release you are seeking. As far as Hayward goes, he has Grandfather rights..........no pun intended.

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I am not sure I can answer your question. I think it might have to go to a higher authority. I say ask Kevin, he is all knowing in matters like this. But I will say this............................................................................


Make sure you and The Captain Of Castille are ready for Plymouth as it is a mere 4 months away. I will be happy to march next to you again wearing the Black and Gold. And this time bring the other 3 who were missing last time. This will go a long way in obtaining that release you are seeking. As far as Hayward goes, he has Grandfather rights..........no pun intended.

Plymouth? That would mean Strutta and myself would have to go back to Rte 3 and look for the music that slipped out our window on that cold dark evening. What would your repertoire be that Knight? I'm sure Valley would go for it this time, he made the mistake of thinking that we weren't going to do it last year, his loss, it was a great time! The only possible problem would be if the MB Class A were to do the parade and show that Knight......did I just say that

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Music won't be a problem as I am sure the only song you two have memorized is the Budwiser jingle. So there is plenty of room for memorization. In The Still of the Knight will be added this year. We expect Valle to be there, it is in his contract. That is of course if MB Clas A does not have other plans.........Hey at any rate you know where the beer will be at, same as last year.

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Great, Great rehearsal(s) Sunday.

We moved to our southern practice facility in Canton, Ma for our first outdoor rehearsal of the season and the weather was perfect.

The day started with our weight lifting exercises (refer to Post #13) then sectionals to work on basics then the group split to go over the various music programs.

MB1 or maybe 2, worked on the patriotic show which is an all Buzzy Bergdoll production that includes “An American Salute”, “God Bless the USA” and “Stars & Stripes Forever.

The music is complete and the cast is working hard on the visuals and drum feature.

We have a few spots open to fill out the expanded color guard that will perform a full color presentation during the program. Any very well endowed female, size 2 to 4 that looks great in spandex and has guard experience is invited to audition. Candidates must be at least 21 years old. 2002 Flash the Brass veterans will get preference. With the wealth of color guard talent in the Boston area we’re sure these spots will fill quickly.

MB2 or maybe 1, worked on several selections to determine what will be played at the DCA Mini Corps show in Rochester. There is a mix of new songs and some of the corps old standards that have been requested by our fans.

Numbers being considered are Malaguena, Never My Love, Mininos Das Laranjas, Legend of the One Eyed Sailor, A Mis Abuelos, Love for Sale and Let It Be Me.

2 or 3 from this list will make up the Mini Corps’ Rochester program.

Next the casts combined to go over the Italian program for the appearances in August at the Boston North End Italian Festivals.

The music selections include; Santa Lucia, Funiculi Funicula, Volare, O Sole Mio, Hey Gumbaree, Tarantella, Arrivederci Roma and Come Back to Sorento.

The day concluded with cool downs and a second round of weight lifting.

All in all, things are progressing on schedule.

Oh, did I mention that new uniforms are on order??? It’s something that the boys from Albany wouldn’t dare copy.

The above does not break my oath of omerta because nothing here can be either confirmed or denied. :sshh:

To dckid80; Funny you should mention it, we did consider an all Rick Connor program.

Rick is a good friend of Mass Brass and we’ve played and still play some of his arrangements. There are 2 problems with doing an all Rick Connor show. One is that we would have to get permission from Larry Kerchner to play half the show. (inside joke) And the the horn line falls apart during Sir Duke when they all rush to throw the pie in my face. :rolleyes:

Stay tuned for more news out of South Boston

Edited by ContraLou
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