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When are membership fees due?

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Hello everyone, I'm new to this website and I've searched for this answer and I could not find it through the search engine on the forums, so I decided to start a thread. I'm going to audition this fall for the Phantom Regiment for snare, I'm a huge phantom fan but I've never auditioned for a corps before so obviously I have never even been in one to know this. When are membership fees usually due? I understand (according to Phantom's website) that the fee will be around $1800 - $2500 but they are still finalizing a number. My parents will help with the fee but not the whole amount, of course, so I was wondering when I need exactly that amount of money? I'm sorry if this has already been answered in a previous thread, but I did look for it. If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be very helpful!

hopefully I'll be able to say SUTA and know the meaning soon!

[edit] also, I live in north Alabama, I've been theorizing the idea of taking a train a day early for my camps (if I make Phantom) and then taking a bus to the camps from the closest train station to Rockford. I figured this would be a lot cheaper than spending all that gas money, and definitely way cheaper than a plane ride, but if anyone knows from experience that this is not a good idea then that would help as well. Thanks!

Edited by PhantomPhan1989
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It depends. Usually corps like people to be paid by the start of the season, but I've known people who were paying off their tour fees even after the season (mostly something veterans are more entitled to than rookies).

Someone told me he was cut from Phantom (on a horn) in favor of a guy who had the money ready when it came down to taking one of them two though.

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Hardly... you are kidding I hope

Not really. I think that corps do take that into consideration when deciding on the last spots. They won't cut someone that has proven in cash that they'll be there for the long haul.

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Also keep in mind that some corps, not all but some, offer a rebate on your tour fees if you pay in full by a certain camp. If I remember correctly Crown will give you 10% back if you pay in full by the February camp. If you've got the money and already have a spot thats a good thing to do.

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