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Everything posted by Supersonic

  1. Darn, I wish I had the fan network. It really sounds heartbreaking. I teared up from the descriptions I heard last night; I can't imagine what it was like to actually see it. I hope he and the bus driver who helped him recover quickly!
  2. Same. I have my licensing exam in 2 weeks. :) According to Crown's Twitter: "Member Ryan Brannan is undergoing surgery on his hurt leg. Bus Driver Stan Olochwoszcz broke his ankle trying to help Ryan off the field." Thoughts are with both of them!
  3. It only makes sense that this would happen. The number of shows is finite and the distance a corps can travel in a small amount of time is finite. For example, if on one day there are shows in California, Iowa, and Rhode Island, and the next day, there are shows in Nevada, Illinois, and Massachusetts, how many corps are likely to break away from the groups they performed with the previous night? It's just not worth it to go out of their way to change things up. (I realize that's an extreme hypothetical example, but I just meant it in an illustrative manner.)
  4. I actually remember reading this a couple years ago... hilarious!
  5. I still haven't seen the new uniforms... does someone have a link handy?
  6. Wow, Jimlad's cousin went to the show?!
  7. You know, this is only the second time anyone has ever successfully done that to me, and the first time was also you with a link to some "recaps." ...I applaud you, sir.
  8. *Episode III Darth Vader voice* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! And I'm not a son! Show in 12 minutes! Who's excited to sit here and hit F5 for 4 hours? *raises hand*
  9. Oh, this is all Alex's doing! Well, doesn't that just make it all OK!!! TBH, I have always thought a sarcasm emoticon was needed. It's a lot more ambiguous on the Internet. But... why a pirate? And why a GREEN pirate? Is he nauseated? And where are his other teeth? I have so many questions left unanswered!!!!
  10. I agree. I think the potential is there this season, but I'd be surprised if the judges were gutsy enough to call that one this early. So often they're afraid of calling out such upsets early in the season.
  11. Man, I can't be off the Internet for 24 hours before there's some new meme. XD How and when did this pirate begin to represent sarcasm?! He doesn't even look particularly sarcastic. :P
  12. I see it all the time in computer science and, to a lesser extent, math :) It's not how you'd think it be spelled, isn't it? /OT I love this thread; I've never seen some of those hideous uniforms. Thank you! I'm also so out of the loop this year; I've got to see some of these reportedly hideous 2010 unis... *commences search*
  13. Well, that too... I literally did wince at that "announcer says go buy stuff" quote, but I was also referring to the ridiculously cheesy nature of the shows they want to start putting on. Wtf? I LIKE time between shows so I can talk to people about the performances. I don't need to be entertained every flippin' second. And I certainly don't want to be randomly HYPED every 11 minutes. I really wish it were April Fool's Day...
  14. I haven't read this thread yet, but I read the whole proposal. The last 10 slides or so made my stomach turn. What are we, some sort of circus? "Announce( r ) says go buy stuff"... sigh. Edited because it changed the "r" in parentheses to a ® symbol.
  15. Yep, I definitely called the additional support for BAC and BS last night. Thank you very much! Seriously though, I think we shouldn't subtract any (vocal) support from the G7... as usual, I'm anti-punishing-kids-for-things-they-didn't-do... but if you don't already yet, now's the time to start screaming and yelling when non-G7 corps come onto the field. At least as much or more than you do for the G7. And buy souvies! Send a clear message that we love *all* the corps... not just the ones that have recently been on top.
  16. How are they supposed to get to be that excellent if they have nowhere to start? I sure wouldn't have a gold medal on my desk if my non-finalist drum corps experience hadn't taught me everything I needed to know to get there. I owe them everything.
  17. Booing mostly just hurts the kids who had nothing to do with the decision. Avoiding souvie booths is a better idea, and isn't likely to shut them down entirely since they presumably would already be gaining more than their share of finances anyway.
  18. I'm suddenly flashing back to my Inequality in Societies course when we learned about institutionalized classism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, etc. in which the laws and structures of societies are intentionally or unintentionally designed specifically to keep the privileged groups on top of the less privileged groups. Obviously, drum corps elitism doesn't approach the seriousness of classism, racism, etc on a grand scale, but the social model certainly does come immediately to mind. Another key difference between the two models: in the DCI model, the underprivileged groups don't merely become less and less able to bail themselves out of their situation... they die out entirely. So why in the world would anyone implement something that's effectively a death sentence for all non-G7 corps? They often have a hard enough time gaining funds, auditionees, an influential voice... WITHOUT being explicitly labeled "non-elite." Now we're going to give them that label AND allocate those resources such that the corps that are ALREADY implicitly elite (for the year) gain further advantages? Assuming I am correctly interpreting the situation, I believe the ramifications will be disastrous and far beyond anything that the additions of amps, synths, or even woodwinds could ever do.
  19. So perfect. :lol: My favorite parts were Hitler arguing about the guy's kid in BD, and when he solemnly asks for his DCP membership and Drum Corps World subscriptions to be canceled. Then again, I did like the Bb comment too... too many hilarious parts! Well done!! :worthy:
  20. FCO, BLUE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worthy: :worthy: :smile:
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