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Best Guard of the last 5 years


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No, an effort should be made to try and turn things around, to move forward without forgetting what made the guard what it was or could be. The d"irection it is going now is not that way.


I agree "G" ....too many guards lack the precision that was a must back in the day. Today, most guards "have their moments," but too many times you see timing errors on simple moves. It is a fact that they do spend a great deal more of their time on dance technique than equipment compared to days of old. But then again, we had the tick system in place. Today, it seems like they ignore the "flaws" or "breaks.

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This isnt a combatative thread, you really dont need to interject your "what should or shouldnt be posted" attitude here.

I knew as soon as I saw your name here it was gonna be like that...sheesh.

It has nothing to do with respect...and, if you want to talk about respect, the designers and/or staff should show some towards todays kids and not let them wear such hideous unapealing "out there" outfits.


So, this is a thread one can post to if they agree with you it sounds like? Chill out, G.

I disagree strongly with the statement that if it cannot be done with equipment work alone then it should not be done on the field.

I never once said I agree with everything that is out there currently in terms of costume and guard work design. . .but I do feel certain corps do an outstanding job of interpreting the music and themes using not only equipment but also dance and body movement.

Stop being the opinion police, please.

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So, this is a thread one can post to if they agree with you it sounds like? Chill out, G.

I disagree strongly with the statement that if it cannot be done with equipment work alone then it should not be done on the field.

Stop being the opinion police, please.

Im not the one telling people what they should or shouldn't have a "little respect for please" here. You only need to look to yourself to see the "opinion police"

Al three of your posts have a negative tone here and I know it's because you disagree.

If you disagree, that's absolutely fine, no problem. Maybe you can enlighten us to your point of view and explain....rather than telling people what to respect, and assume your opinion isnt welcome......thats all, nothing more, nothing less..


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You have just as much a negative tone toward me, so again, chill if you're gonna ask the same of others. Don't forget that a lot of us have been around for a while and remember you from way back on ramd, so you'll have to forgive me if it is a little difficult for me to take it from you that I should be less combatative.

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Oh, for the love of Pete! Chill, everyone!

I stand by my post...what's being fielded ain't color guard, folks! Perhaps we should change the name to "dance theatrics", since there's very LITTLE equipment work being done. What choreographers are fielding these days is not guard... tarps, props and costumes are NOT guard! Equipment work is what makes guard!

And, I don't just blame drum corps for this, either...it's washed over into winter guard and marching band. In winter guard, groups are more worried about their tarps than equipment work. I've seen tarps used on the marching field too, this past fall in Indiana. And, instead of the "pit" being on the front sideline, the entire percussion line (snares, bass, quads, keyboards {read: marimbas}, tympani, etc.) are stationary in a "band shell" type thing or just on the field...not moving. How hard is that? Marching and playing is a heck of a lot more difficult!

I don't think that it's asking too much to scale everything WAY back. Use the money spent for costumes and dance lessons on choreographers who can teach and clean equipment work. Get back to using just flags, rifles and sabres. No spinning tires, 20 foot snakes or flimsy lycra costumes that half the guard shouldn't be wearing in the first place!


Oh, and by the way, thanks "G". You said it much better than I ever could!

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I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying here. It would not bug me at all if we called color guard something else. . .just not sure what difference that would make.

Anyway, I do agree that scaling back things would actually benefit a lot of shows/corps. there have been a lot of bad props used in the last 5 years, a ton of bad costumes, and sometimes it seems like guards are just dancing just for the sake of it, or to get a rest from spinning. I guess the fundamental thing is getting back to why the guard is there. The guard work should enhance the show and help sell the music, rather than the guard being such a separate entity, which is a problem, IMO, with a good number of corps.

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I do not know about everyone in here, but are we all talking about the same 'modern' color guards here? In my opinion, the color guards of the recent era are just as good as the old schoolers. There is alot of talk about color guards not being as talented, or as splendid, or as precise, or even as useful as they were back in the days. I cannot disagree anymore.

First off, you cannot compare the old guards to the ones we have now. In the confines of each guards respective eras, they perform and execute amazingly. However, would you ask a guard member of 27th Lancers to toss a seven, and while its in the air, do a dance spin, and then catch it while kicking one leg up? Obviously not! In the same effect, would you ask a guard member of the recent BD to close their eyes and perfectly spin a rifle with the exact angles and the exact hand placements? NO! Both are easily distinctive and but both are EQUALLY AMAZING.

Personally, its takes the same amount of talent, skill, and determination to perform either moves. Considering that, would you call guards in the likes of BD, Cadets, and Cavies unable to execute? I hope not, 'cause guards that can and do achieve such moves are not unable to execute. Take for example the Blue Devils Color Guard. In the last few years, they have seem to be a dominant force.

BD 1999: Considered one of the greatest color guards to be ever fielded. GREAT COSTUMES! The flag work in the beginning was so together and so diffifcult..it was unbelievable how they executed it, while incorporating dance moves. The flag work is consitant throughout the first movement. The second movement comes along with everyone on rifles. Spinning like crazy...dancing around...moving to spots with great speed...all at the same time. The impact point in the second movement begins, and the rifles execute with such precision and performance..its crazy. The ballad comes around. Everyone is then on sabres. Great angles and dance movements also. Tosses are all in unison and so are the catches. Beautiful work and you feel the energy and emotion they put out. The closer. Flag work and tosses are all in unison. This color guard was amazing. SHEER PERFECTION. Are you telling me that this guard was not as good as the guards of old?

This is just one example of the many fine color guards that existed in the past few years. BD 2000s sabres were even more amazing than in 1999. BD 2001..amazing flag work. Did these color guards lack execution? How about the Cadets. They too have great color guards. 1996...probably the in sync flag work I have ever seen. Not only that, they dont march to their spots...they spin their bodies to the spot, they run to the spots, they do ballet moves to the spot...all while having to work with equipment. Now that's execution. Cadets 1997 equally as great. Cadets 2000 was amazing as well. I can go on listing the great color guards corps has dished out in the past few years. With such guards in mind, can you still say that the modern color guards, in essence, are not good? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL!!!

I am not cutting down the guards of the old. I know to a great extent how amazing they were. But alot of you needs to give proper respect to what the guards now are doing. I just hope some of you understand that these guards maybe alot different from those from the past, but are equally as talented as they were.

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You have just as much a negative tone toward me, so again, chill if you're gonna ask the same of others. Don't forget that a lot of us have been around for a while and remember you from way back on ramd, so you'll have to forgive me if it is a little difficult for me to take it from you that I should be less combatative.

Well, quite frankly. Alot of us remember YOU from RAMD also and know about your negativity as well.

What that has to do with you posting that here, off topic, to bait me (yes, I took it) is just indicative of your desire to be truly argumentative.

Again, all of your responses try to be authorative, and that you dont agree only adds to the tone you wish to display.

I'm sorry if you have somy type of grudge or attitude from a long time ago, rather petty on your part.

But, be careful because if you are going to throw around insults, observations, or other negative remarks about ones (mine) character.....it can and will be dealt with here.......unlike the RAMD you like to point out.

If you want to end this...fine, I tried to....you want to subtly try to put me down by referencing me and RAMD as if you think you have a legion of people that don't like me.......fine, its only a reflection on yourself, unable to argue the issue and stay on topic.

No matter what you post in response, this is the last communication I will respond about this matter............


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