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Corps with a current identity crisis

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Wow, you have a major reading comprehension problem. I was calling out another poster for saying that the cadets of the past 4 years are somehow more gimmicky and had less identity than those of the early 2000's. All i was saying is that the early 2000's saw more 'identity crisis', than recent years. Some of the shows i talked about, I happen to enjoy a great deal (except 2004, but noone likes that) As for cavies and bd... they have their gimmicks, just like every corps out there....what's your point?

Oh, and my signature is designed to upset frail types like you. Glad you like it! :thumbup:

Thanks for taking a punch in the chin for me!!!! ha ha ha ha :lol: Interesting enough salad I actually agree with everything you said about the early '00s corps. I also think that was the first part of the "identity" crises. We disagree about the past few years and that's cool, but I am in total agreement about the early '00's Cadets. I am hoping so bad to see the Holy Name Cadets of '09 be the Holy Freakin Cow Cadets like I used to love in the late 90's. Would be way cool!!! Thanks again for taking some abuse on my behalf. :lol:

Wes Perkins

BK '97 '98

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Yeah but Crown manages to play without stick-outs, gross sounds, and can actual sustain phrases without bagging at the end.

Oh, so Phantom winning brass at different times throughout the season and in the end taking 2nd only to BD's hornline was a fluke? I guess the brass judges were clueless...

If the sounds that Phantom produced were "gross", then I guess I love gross sounds.

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A BIG apology.

To Sue Templeton Deschene, and everyone offended by my rant from last night,

Sue, I am very sorry for my harsh and emotional post in response to you. Without inferring excuses, it was done at the wrong time, under the wrong circumstances, and I should have never responded the way I did. I started thinking about it early this morning, and feared that when I got home to re-read my post, I would feel ashamed. I do.

Though I would never deny my own opinion of how much I disagree with how specific individuals in the drum corps activity are sometimes spoken of in this forum, my expression of that last evening is not representative of how I normally carry myself, nor is it how I would want to act in any venue in the future. As someone stated in their own response, my frustration with this subject matter started long before your post and therefore, you should have not been the target of my emotional, uncontrolled words.

Please accept my apology. You of course have no reason to know my level of sincerity. I can only promise it is genuine and heart-felt. I broke one of my own life rules that has me incredibly disappointed in myself.

OK, further proof that one should always read to the end of a thread before replying. :thumbup:

Apology accepted, and I hope that you'll accept mine. Sometimes the shorthand of replying to a post is not a very effective way of communicating. It's less a discussion than a series of monologues, which means that things normally "processed" in a face-to-face conversation with someone instead get put down, unfiltered and in hard copy, for all to see. So if you and I had been talking in-person about this subject, it probably would have gone very differently from the words we've typed in this thread. Such is the reality of online vs. verbal communication.

I definitely understand the "heat of the moment" reaction. Been there, done that, as I'm sure we all have. And I also recognize that, as I've said before, there's a lot I don't know. So I apologize for pouring salt on an old wound, and I'll leave this particular issue to be resolved by people far wiser than I.

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