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some old corps photos

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I missed that! I thought I remembered the flag line dancing too, but that's what I get for not watching their show all the way through on DVD to confirm that. You're right!

True enough! :P

I pointed it out, though Sally may have too. The scarves look yellow to me, and that's how I remembered them. At the beginning of their show in '79, they pulled out scarves of many different colors and danced with them, and then later on, danced with yellow scarves. At the beginning of their '80 show, the scarves are yellow. Or, like I said, they look yellow to me.

As for positioning of the rifle line behind the drum line, they were behind the drum line in various forms during drum solo (both '79 and '80). So it's possible that's where they were when this photo was taken.

LOL, well, that doesn't help to narrow it down, because the flags both years had a rainbow design. The flag in '79 had rainbow stripes against a white background, while the half-D-shaped flag in '80 had a silver-lame section with a rainbow border. Also, this was a double-flag throughout the entire show . . . or, at least, in finals; maybe that was different earlier in the season? Anyway, the reason I say that is because you wondered if it was part of the flag. I just can't see that much yellow showing up in the flag from either year, but I could be wrong. (I'm not even sure the '79 flag had yellow in it. Orange and red, yes, but I don't see yellow, unless it's bleeding into the white. Another detail I missed before: In '79, the rifle streamers are different colors, not just yellow.)

I'm guessing, but in the photo it looks to me almost like she put the yellow scarf inside her sleeve, and it dropped partway out and is hanging down. Dunno!

Another thing I noticed on the '79 DVD that I can't remember having caught before: In "Sweet Georgia Brown," the entire guard dances with the yellow scarves and then stuffs them into into one of the elastic bands in their pant legs down by their ankles. But something happened to one of the guard members, and at the end of "Sweet Georgia Brown" it looks she's holding the scarf in her mouth, no doubt to keep from dropping it. You just hate it when stuff like that happens! Oh, the prop and equipment malfunctions that guard members have to deal with!

Yup, though I didn't realize it till you pointed it out that those were straw hats. I could see that they were shinier in '80 than in '79, but didn't know why. I'm pretty sure their hats in '79 were made of felt, and with a small feather plume. I don't see a plume on their hats in '80, and it does have a sheen to it. Thanks to the enhanced video quality of the DVD, now I can actually see enough detail to see that it's straw!

OK, enough dissection of this photo and Spirit's guard! I had fun watching these shows, though. I'm not sure I fully appreciated them back when I marched, but I do now. They had a really fine guard! :blink:

No, I thought we agreed, or I should say agreed with you that it was 80! Once you explained a few things and I looked at the tape, then Malibu answered, I agreed! Sorry, maybe I didn't make that clear.

Unfortunately like I said, it's a shame I only got to see them rehearse once or twice and colors = yellow vs. white -- red vs. black all look the same on my video. So I would definitely go with your memory over my observations!! :)

I also agree they had a fine guard...on July 8th, that horrid day, Stephen Covitz, an alumni of 2-7 and former guard instructor went and took over their rifle line....kudos to how much they did, they reallyl were fine!! :music:

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Oh I love this, except the apostrophe should've been after the "Y"...lol... b**bs

LOL, I see you've read "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" too, eh? Or, like me, you just have that kind of personality! :P

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I'm laughing hysterically at the dissection of the Spirit photo. I did guess it was 1980, but honestly, your eyesight is better than mine...and I've had lasik done!

1980 was one of my very favorite Spirit years. And I can tell you, that in the fall of 1980, almost every high school guard in the state of Indiana had that rainbow flag.

We had a variation of 27th Lancers' flags the fall of 1980. Double flags, too!

I know it's very amazing how much Sue knows and remembers. But we did do alot of dissecting....wow the things you notice and remember (Sue, not me) is incredible.

Yes we went overboard, but I enjoyed it, and like Sue said and did, I too went to the tapes. My DVD player wouldn't work so I only saw 80!

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No, I thought we agreed, or I should say agreed with you that it was 80!  Once you explained a few things and I looked at the tape, then Malibu answered, I agreed!  Sorry, maybe I didn't make that clear.

Yeah, actually, you did . . . but sometimes I just yammer on anyways! Like I said, I really enjoyed reviewing those performances on DVD, and my respect for their guards both years, '79 and '80, increased with each viewing. So thanks for prompting me to watch them! :)

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I know it's very amazing how much Sue knows and remembers.  But we did do alot of dissecting....wow the things you notice and remember (Sue, not me) is incredible.

Oh, c'mon, you don't give yourself enough credit! You remember a whole lotta stuff I don't!

I'm just a stickler for detail . . . too much so, sometimes. You know why I remember some things about Spirit's guard those years (when some days I'm amazed I can remember my own name)? The thing that stuck with me for so many years was that for whatever reason, I liked their whole package in '79 a lot better than '80. So I think I kept watching the tapes and comparing them, trying to figure out why I felt that way. In recent years, I've come to appreciate their '80 show every bit as much as '79, but it took a lot of watching and analyzing both shows on tape, and then DVD, to reach that conclusion.

Now, try asking me specifics about flagwork I wrote or performed, or something that happened during my corps years, and my memory goes all to pot. You know why? It's because in many cases, I don't have that visual record, a videotape or DVD, to refer to and reinforce my memory. Amazing what a difference that makes, eh?

OK, back to the pictures! :)

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LOL, I see you've read "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" too, eh? Or, like me, you just have that kind of personality! :P

Actually, I'm originally from Memphis, Tn and one of my English teachers actually told me "if you're going to use improper English, make sure you use the contraction correctly". :P b**bs I didn't know that the apostrophe went after the "Y" until my teacher told me! b**bs And...I have that kind of a personality! :music: :)

Edited by Lancerlady
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I would like to put this question before those who of you who march or marched.

Have you ever been going along, having a "decent" tour and then

all of a sudden there comes a point where the staff tells you

"This bus won't make it up the hill in front of us with all of you aboard so

let's get off and start walking" Up hill, in 90+ temp?


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This was forwarded to me from one of my sources: Photo of the "hostage" was taken in November of 1980 in Madison.


My apologies to 1974 SCV alumni.

If I remember correctly, we knew it was stolen. If you were at that show, you know we left the parking lot rocking our busses chanting, "We're number three! We're number three!" When you win, little, petty things just don't matter.

Edited by Tansea
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