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SCV in San Diego

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Hey all,

I spent the day in Valley Center, CA with the Vanguard yesterday, and I thought I might share a few thoughts. I visited all sections of the corps for about half an hour each, then watched them ensemble for about an hour and a half. Here are my first impressions:

First up was the percussion. I was a noob to corps in '97 and right off the bat fell in love with Cassella's writing and how his lines played. As I walked to the edge of the field they were rehearsing on, it was clear the percussion section was drastically different, both in the way they approached their drums and pit equipment as well as the resulting sound. Rehearsal was a bit more loose than I'm used to seeing, but the staff and kids are doing a great job. It seems as though they're all still getting used to each other, and though they don't have the swagger of recent past SCV lines, they are strong and will be near the top when it's all said and done.

I made my way over to the gock block sound coming from another field and found the guard. Though quite dirty in most places, their show is FULL, and that's way more than can be said for last year; I think they didn't finish til almost San Antonio or something. April Gilligan was running the reherasal from up top. I'd seen her only at show warm-ups with the Cadets and first thought of her as tough and unrelenting. She is tough, unrelenting, and drives them hard, though unlike many who teach in that style, never becomes impersonal or condescending. They have a whole lot of cleaning to do, but given who's at the helm and the way the kids were responding, that entertaining and deep guard book is definitely within reach.

The horns were on the main field and were nearing the end of their music block. Nick Williams was on staff when I marched, but only as a tech. I think I saw him once or twice in 2003. Man, is he doing something right. The low brass sounds lush and full, the trumpets have a top to bottom sound - if you don't have stong 3rds, you don't have a strong section - and the whole hornline together sounds fierce, graceful, nimble - however they WANT to sound. Granted, there is work to be done, especially in the mellos, but I haven't heard an SCV hornline this strong, this early since....2001? 1999? They were good in '04, but I feel like they lacked dynamic range and sensitivity. Not this line.

After speaking to staff and members, I found that the whole corps is quite young. Its oldest member marched 2001 (DM Dan McLaughlin) and there are a ton of rookies. After a few years slight friction between the corps (esp. the hornline) and the vis. staff, that seems to no longer be an issue. Yes, their feet are all over the place, and timing is an issue, but the staff does know how to teach their style, and with everybody buying in, they'll definitely be able to clean this fantastic drill.

All in all, the corps seems headed in a very positive direction. I found myself shaking my head after attending a number of rehearsals last year (mind you, I loved the show itself), but there is a very different feel this year. Its wonderful to see rock solid '03 rooks like Dan Adams, Amy Frost, Fatt, Jesse and others anchor the hornline, with all they've seen and been though. As for the show itself, wonderful, melodic lines, technically challenging licks, tasteful percussion writing, varied guard writing, and burnin' drill characterize this show, but that's all I'll say. Can they achieve it?

I have faith. GO SCV!

Edited by alto92
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Great report! Thank you for sharing. I was also struck with the horn line when I saw them warm-up in Modesto. There's something special about this year's corps, and this SCV alum is really proud of them. (Well, I'm always proud of SCV, even if they break my heart every so often). Can't wait to see them in Stockton next week. GO SCV!

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